Dog barking at kids


New Member
Jan 7, 2006
My puppy seems to have developed a worrisome habit. Whenever he sees a group of kids, he gets excited and starts barking at them.

Now, I have to stress that he is in no way aggressive. If he sees one kid, he will go up to them and start wagging his tail. He only seems to get excited when he sees a group.

I don't think his barking is aggressive, but it does the scare the kids. Now with the weather getting warmer there are more kids outside and I don't want to be worried about taking him for a walk. How do I stop this behaviour?


New Member
Mar 14, 2006
I had the same problem. When she was younger, she was so hyper, I just had to walk the other way or across the street to avoid kids, joggers, etc. As she got a little older and calmer, I used a prong collar to help with the lunging, and taught her "be quiet".

In the house, teach her to speak, then when she masters that, teach "quiet" and reward.

Sometimes puppies are so hyper, avoidence of the situation is just best until they are a little older and calmer.


New Member
Jan 7, 2006
lapdog said:
As she got a little older and calmer, I used a prong collar to help with the lunging, and taught her "be quiet".

Sometimes puppies are so hyper, avoidence of the situation is just best until they are a little older and calmer.
I have been trying to do the opposite. Put him in more situations where he sees a lot of different people around so that he does not get so excited.

And he doesn't lunge, he just sits there and barks at them from a distance. He will not try to go up to them. And I am sure if they came up to him, he would be all excited and try to jump up and lick them.

Would trying to do a down stay when he starts barking be effective?


Nov 14, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
Sorry if I'm misunderstanding, but do you mean on walks? If yes I would put him definately in a sit or drop position. I use sit as the first port of call.

I find it an easy point to gain attention, and get their focus on you. I wouldn't purposely go up to or pass close by a group of kids until you have got your dog to focus on you and be sitting quietly.

What is the dogs distance factor? (critical distance). What I mean is how far away does a group of kids have to be before he/she starts the barking? You can use the distance factor to your advantage in his training. If for example a group of kids are at at distance, and your dog has noticed them. Get him to sit and try to find a cue word for him to look at you. Make you the total focus of his attention. I use "looking" for Max, after I've put him in a sit position :) As time goes on and with perseverance his critical distance will decrease, and he eventually won't want to yank your arm off, or bark his head off at the kids LOL. Always praise as soon as he has sat/dropped and has turned his head to look at you. I used some treats with Max till he mastered the looking command, and of course don't use the treats now.

My Maxy hates bikes, push and motor. He is fine with them in the distance, but not when they are upon him. Unfortunately some people on pushbikes will be coming around the corner and almost knock you over. It didn't help that the postman on his motor bike almost ran us both down one day. When I see one coming, or know one is coming around the corner headed right for us, I move Max slightly and put him in a sit position, use the "looking" command, and praise immediately until the bike has passed. He has improved greatly with this.

Please bear in mind I am no expert, but this is just my personal experience over the years, and what has worked for me :) Others I'm sure that are more experienced in training will have some other methods/tips for you as well, I'm sure

Good luck with it.


Chico didn't used to like kids. But that did not mean he could bark or snap at them. I usually distracted him by giving him a command and starting a little improptu training session by doing that I get his attention. He finally ignored kids and went about his business. Now, he doesn't mind kids. We recently went to a dog show and there was like 10 kids on Chico at one time and he was perfectly fine but after a while got annoyed and took a nap in his kennel, but I was very proud of him because he usually doesn't like people touching him. It all comes with time but never allow your dog to bark at a child or show any signs of aggression. Because stupid parents let their kids run up to any dog and if your dog bites the child your at fault.

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