Cricket is 6 today!

May 2, 2011
Ithaca, NY
Can you believe it? I definitely can't. It seems like not very long ago that her breeder told me she had a puppy available, and sent me this picture of "Amelia":

14-year-old me was beyond excited and took to carrying around this picture in a folder, along with a long list of potential puppy names that I would show to everyone who'd look. I think "Sparrow" and "Winnie" were among the other top contenders before I finally decided on Cricket. Turned out to be a good choice, because when I got her she bounced around just as much as her namesake.

Her first few days at home, when she was four months old:

And just a few from our morning walk today:

Good smells

Quick group shot so the other two don't feel left out (sorry if it's a little dark)

Cricket, thanks for putting up with me and my novice dog training mistakes, and for being my amazing girl all these years. Here's to many more!

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