clipper choices


Salty Sea Dog
Feb 14, 2006

as you may know.

i keep ruby year round in a pony cut. she is a powderpuff chinese crested with a very fluffy/woolie coat rather than the flowing almost silkyness of some, her coat almost reminds me of the feel of a freshly brushed poodle with no coarness...
on her i clean trim her face (as you would with a poodle) and then very close on the rest of the body (as close to nekkid as we can get) she actually seems to enjoy being clipped but hates being brushed so this works out well.

i also trim my parents cocker on occasion, try and keep in in a modified cocker cut, shorter on the back and longer on the sides but nothing insane.

right now i own a cheap pair of clippers from wallymart, the kind that come in a kit with some scissors, plastic blade guards and a plastic comb...its lasted me a good year and a bit of once weekly shavedowns of ruby, and about once monthly on charlie-dog...but now its just dying
i belive its made by con-air...but not completly certain.

my complaints with this clipper:
its fairly heavy, (almost 2 lbs acording to the kitchen scale) and by the end of ruby my wrist is a lil achey.
it gets hot FAST, not only the blade but after the first month or so the actual body of the clippers get hot to the touch pretty quick. the clipper cool doesnt seem to help with this problem and i feel the blades heat up faster than they should.
its got some pretty hard vibration, my arm gets that tingly almost numb sensation while using.

its STARTING to die...not dead yet but close,
the blade is completly dead, you can tell there cheap blades ive replaced with the same brand a few times through the year and after 4 uses there already blunt and starting to rust...
i clean them after each use, oil and NEVER put them away damp ect everything to care for them i was told to do...
i know i can just replace the blades but again even brand new the blades get hot QUICK followed by the entire unit.
and now the motor is starting to make funky noises, and is randomly slowing. which of course makes it pull, tug and catch so now i wont use it at all.

Ruby is looking shaggy and its time for her to get groomed...

but i dont know where to start.

ive been looking online and think ive got it limited to a couple of models, now im looking for opinions and reveiws.
im looking for something easy to use, that will withstand once weekly use minimum that is fairly good at staying cool and will last, preferably something quiet too.

Andis "easy clip" clipper kit. Its a basic kit with 10, 4fc and 7fc stainless blades included.
weight about the same as the one i have now...and is under $70.
but im worried because ive had such bad look with "at him starter kits" like this one seems to be and would prefer something "professional" quality.

Andis Plus+ Ag single speed 2700spm and around 1lb with a #10 blade at under $100

Mid Options:
Andis AG super 2 speed, 4400spm, weigs about 1lb but is $5 chepaer then the AGC,

Andis Plus+ AG 2 speed 2600/3400spm around 1lb and #10 blade $115

Whal KM2 prof 2 speed, comes with a #10 blade 2700/3300spm, about 1 1/2 lbs. $115 comes with a free "stylique trimmer (1/4" #30 blade with 5000spm and is about the size of a large pen would be perfect for paw pads and around the eyes)

Whal Arco SE cordless. under 1lb, with 5500 spm guessing its a #10 stainless blade and comes with the combs. $120

Oster Powermax 2 speed, 3700/4200spm, weighs right around 1lb and comes with a #10 "cryogen x-agion" blade. this one comes with a bunch of combs/rakes that in truth i doubt ill ever use unless i start gromming other folks dogs. right around $120

Upper end of the price range:

Andis AGC "super" 2 speed 1/2 the weight of my current clipper, comes with a #10 blade and top speed is 4,400 spm. (if i buy from petedge this also comes with an andis cordless trimmer which i dont have any real details on but might be good for face/feet. right around $135.

Andis "ultra edge" 2 speed. seems to have the same general features of the other andis and is the same price but doesnt come with a freebie.

Oster Powerpro ultra corded, right around a lb with 3300spm, and a #10 cryo blade, right around $140 comes with a free procord cordless trimmer (6000spm, 6oz, and 2 #40 blades with 2 clip on combs.)

Whal Switchblade, 3000/4200 spm, #10 competition series whall blade and comes with a free stylique trimmer (as above) top of the price range at $145

(yes i am reading online reveiws but id like personal opinons too.)

im also looking into blades, obviously, its fairly confusing lol.

i take ruby close to skin, all over and as close as safely possible on the face. and then i usually take charlie down with grain #10 on its longest setting on his back (leaves him around 1/4-1/2" and then ends up about 1-2" long on the legs.
i was thinking a #40 or a #10 so they could be used bare or under comb

and then of course theres things like, what TYPE of blade...theres "titanium ceramic" normal ceramic and steel...

need easy upkeep, long lasting (wont dull too quick) and keeps cool as long as possible (charlie doesnt seem to react well to the clipper cool stuff)

so yeah, lots of info there, opinions would be great, i hate buying blind but ive got nowhere i can go touch and play with them to see whats best and ruby is in dire need of a good clipping lol.

thanks in advanve guys.


Megan and Draco
Jul 20, 2008
I cannot say enough good things about my wahl arco clipper!!! My breeder turned me on to it (she is a groomer and breeds poodles, it gets alot of use!). I have had mine for 6 years, and i could not live without it. In fact i would not do Rileys face or feet myself with anything but that clipper! It actually has a blade that "dials" to other sizes. It goes from 9, 10, 15, 30, 40 all with just a quick flip of a dial at teh bottom. Works great! One of teh batteries lasts for about 45 minutes, and it comes with two (so you can switch and charge). It is very light, and very easy to manuver as it has no cord. The blade takes a long time to get hot! I can go through all of Rileys feet and tail before taking it off (even when i take it off it is not burning hot). I have had to replace the blade about 3 times, and i just go to farm and fleet for about 15$.
The combs dont work so well on it though. It is a workhorse though. We have them at work (vets office), and i have powered through some intensly thick husky coats to the skin for ultrasounds.

I cant speak for blades in general. I go through petedge for those, and most work well.
I do have teh wahl KM2 clipper, and like it as well. Feels nice in my hand.


New Member
Apr 13, 2005
Andis ACG super has my vote. I have a switchblade and I do like it, but I have had problems with it. I also have an an Oster Golden A5, but this is strictly a back up because I do not like it. Andis clippers are nice, light, quiet, and a good investment. If you are looking for clipper blades that will stay cooler longer than I suggestceramic blades. They can not be sharpened, but stay cooler longer and stay sharper longer than the regular blades.


Salty Sea Dog
Feb 14, 2006
so the whal arco won the toss up, after lots of review reading ect.

thansk both for your opinions, kinda wish thered been more but hey get what ya given and run lol.

i ordered the special edition pink set (exact same clipper in a pink housing) and managed to get it for $100 as oposed to $120! yay bargains!


Megan and Draco
Jul 20, 2008
Good for you! Trust me, you will never enjoy another clipper as much. I have gotten so much use out of mine. Just be aware that the blades are sharp! I would start with a shorter dail until you are used to it. Pink, cute!


Salty Sea Dog
Feb 14, 2006
yeah i usually start longer than i think ill need anyway cause i figure i can always redo a lil shorter lol

and with the pink set a small portion of the price goes to breast cancer awareness...
not to mention, pink is my favorite color!

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