Clay Aiken comes out of the closet


Active Member
Jul 10, 2008
Long Island, NY
I'd say the biggest reason it was an issue for him to come out is because he was a teacher in his former life . . . you know how well THAT would go over. And now . . . how many of his former students' parents are going to be looking for a way to say he interacted with their child in an "inappropriate" manner - now that he's a deep pocket?
yeah I could TOTALLY see that happening! I had a teacher who had a police escort out of my HS bc she was accused of sleeping with one her senior students. I never found out if she actually did or not, but she was fired. I don't know where she went after that. I actually liked her too... she was one of the better teachers in the school(you know the ones who actually make an attempt at making sure everyone understands the material).

But I agree with everyone else. I think a person's sexuality is their own business. If they want to tell you, then they will. As long as they respect other people(man who are straight not constantly hitting woman rudely, gay men not doing that to other men, and the same for both sides for woman) I don’t really care.

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