Belgians at play... June 20th, 2007


New Member
Oct 27, 2006
Middle of the Canadian prairies
I have a friend that has a Pentax SLR (film) camera, and today she brought me her telephoto lens to play with. Man oh MAN is it nice! I've spent the last few hours going through photos and uploading them to my website. Here are some of them, taken today with the new lens. There are more on the D Litter Journal (part 2) page, and in my photo albums (Shay - part 3, Constantine, Various - part 5).

First, Shay...

Playing tug with my friend's son. Riley is quite the character. Two years ago was "R" year for registration. We name our cattle with a name starting with the year letter. Riley was one of our Dexters - who ended up in the freezer. Riley's (the human) mom got a little perturbed one day when I was talking about butchering Riley the steer. Riley the human thought it was cool. He was here a couple of days ago with his grandpa and we went to see the cows. He asked me their names, and I told him they didn't have names because we were eating them. Riley the human said that I should name one Riley. I told him that his mom gets upset when I name our food "Riley". Riley the human looked at me, snickered... "Hehehe.... I know." Sigh.

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