Bathroom in crate help please!


New Member
Mar 23, 2007

My 4 month old Boxer will not stop pooping in his crate. If he's in the crate for 45 minutes....he poops in it. If he's in for 4 hours, he does the same.

He's a great dog who goes all night without going. At this point I'm so fed up with having to scrub the crate and him every single day.

I'm told it's seperation anxiety but what can I do about it??

I make sure he goes outside to go b4 I put him in his crate....I feel like I can't leave.

Should I set up baby gates for him in the kitchen while Im gone??

Any advice is appreciated.

Please respond here or email at [email protected]
Apr 10, 2007
It does sound like a possibility of some separation anxiety going on. However, it is too complex to tell you that he has this problem based only on the pooping problem.

I think that you need to not use the crate and try the baby gate kitchen thing while you are gone. Not that you will not reintroduce the crate for when you leave, but right now he is getting in the habit of messing in it, which is not a good habit to start.

I am assuming from what you said already that he has a regular feeding schedule. Continue with the set schedule, but see if you can work in a little more exercise if you feel that it is needed. Also, while you are using the kitchen as a safe room, consider introducing routine oriented toys like a stuffed Kong that he gets when you leave etc. Some people find success for issues with separation anxiety with Comfort Zone Pheromones. I have recommended them often on this site, they do work for many separation anxiety dogs, but nothing works for everyone!

Look into articles about handling separation anxiety and how to diffuse the reactions. One big one is to minimize greeting time when you come home. Does he jump and act crazy excited when you come home? If so, one technique is to ignore him until he settles down. It's hard to do, but it helps. Does he get upset when you get shoes or keys? Practice putting on and picking up "trigger" items frequently.

It does not really matter whether you confine in a crate or confine in the kitchen. At this point you need to work on establishing healthy routines. I would seriously consider doing obedience work with a qualified trainer who has experience with separation anxiety (in case that is the issue here). Work on confidence building exercises and have fun with the training. He's a puppy and you can correct any negative patterns fairly easily at this point.

Hope this helps...
May 21, 2007
I wouldn't give up on the crate. Usually people crate-train to stop messes. The dog should have room only to stand and turn around -NO excess. A dog isn't likely to mess where he has to lay down, or less inclined to. But I guess if you have to clean the dog then he is getting into it anyway.

Never punish your dog with the crate. It should always be a happy place. My dog treats it as her den now, a peaceful place. And don't praise him immediately when you get home. Wait a few minutes before acknowledging him or even letting him out. If you praise him for leaving the crate, then he'll think it's a bad place and not want to be there.


Island dweller
Dec 26, 2004
Where did you get the pup from? Sounds like he might have dirty puppy syndrome. If he came from a dirty kennel, puppy mill, backyard breeder or pet store it's likely he was left in a crate or kennel all the time and learned that was the place to go. It's tricky to retrain them once they learn it. I'm not a crate pusher. Not every training tool works for every dog. You don't have to give up on it or you could try a puppy proof room or play pen. If it's a combination of that and seperation anxiety there is a lot more you will have to do. Maybe check out some of the past posts on the forum on both issues?
Apr 13, 2007
I am having the same problem with our 4 month old Jack Russell. Does he pace when you put him in the crate, if so it is a case of separation anxiety. We are going through the same thing so I know exactly how you feel. Our vet sold us a DAP collar for dogs and we are trying it. The only problem with the collar is that they only last 4 weeks then you have to get a new one. We have just started using it this past weekend and they say it could take up to 2 weeks to see results. You can ask your vet about the collar, but check the price because I have found them cheaper on the net. I have noticed though that our Jack is a little calmer with the collar on, but make sure you do not get it wet. Hope this helps and good luck, I know that cleaning a crate everyday gets old, just ask my husband....haha

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