Basic Dog Training Commands


New Member
Dec 20, 2007
Successfully house training puppies is always a task that requires a lot of patience and understanding, but the rewards are many, and your pup will surely appreciate your efforts. Dogs are highly attuned to their owner's feelings, facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice. For this reason, it's important to be firm but gentle, and offer plenty of praise while being consistent.

The first thing to keep in mind is that your puppy really isn't physically capable of holding their urine until they are about 12 weeks of age. By this time, the bladder and bowel muscles are more developed enabling them to gain control. However, most dogs will still have "accidents" until they are at least six months old when they're better able to completely grasp the house training process.

Next, and perhaps most important of all, if you don't actually catch your dog in the act, then do not punish them or reprimand them in anyway. Even if only 30 seconds have passed, it's too long for a puppy to remember and then associate being disciplined with the act of going in the house.

While the numerous books or training manuals on the subject of house training puppies are no doubt informative, they do lack the invaluable benefits of being able to see and hear the trainer. Puppy training videos, on the other hand, offer the visuals necessary to demonstrate how the trainer interacts with the dog. They also provide the opportunity to hear how important verbal cues are, and show ways of bonding with the puppy during training sessions.

Important Puppy House Training Tips to Remember

- No form of physical punishment is ever acceptable when training or dealing with your dog. Not only is it a form of abuse, but any puppy will respond and learn from praise and encouragement, but never from anger or cruelty.

- Instead of only correcting your puppy when he does something wrong, be sure to praise him lavishly when he does relieve himself in the appropriate place.

- Use verbal communication to convey the message to your dog that you want him or her to go outside when it's time to go to the bathroom. Pick one phrase, such as "go potty" or "go pee" and be sure to say the same thing each and every time.

- Learn to watch for the telltale signs that it's about time for puppy to go. Walking or running in circles, or sniffing the floor are two common signs that it's time to head outside.

- Try to let your dog out as often as possible starting early in the training process, as normally, young puppies may need to go as often as every hour.
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