anything pits


New Member
Jul 19, 2008
My husband and I just got our very first pit bull ( with great protest i might add, at first) and I know NOTHING about them. I have been training every other kind of dog for quite sometime now but this pup has got me hook line and sinker. If there is anyone that could shed some insight on this breed we would be forever in your debt......PLEASE!!!!!!!!


Not a lurker
May 30, 2008
I guess that really depends on what you want to know about the breed? You didn't put anything specific in.
They are intelligent and loyal dogs, (same as with any dog though you have the occasional one wearing a dunce cap lol) and most make pretty poor guard dogs in respect to watching property, etc. They are bred to be people friendly, and some are dog aggressive, so I would suggest extensive socialization with other dogs.
I have 2 and I love them, they are great dogs and are very tolerant of my children (ages 4 and 2)
Can I ask why you would get a breed of dog that you don't know a lot about? The majority of people would have suggested you research the breed you like before getting one, so I would suggest doing some research about the breed since you already have the dog. :) A lot of the information online is either far right or far left and there's a little bit on the inbetween.

Can you post a picture? I LOVE pittie pics!


Socialization would be number one on my priority list. With people and other dogs.

I recommend crate training for house breaking.

Pit puppies NEED chew toys to keep their minds occupied or your asking for trouble! lol.

They love people and adore their family, especially children. But they also need to know that you and your husband are alpha.

More specific questions would be great. ;)

How old is he? Any pictures? :)


Apr 22, 2006
Sigh. This is not a breed that should be gotten by people who don't know about them.

The best resources I can send you to are BadRap, especially the stuff about owning a pit bull and Pit Bull Rescue Central.

Pit bulls should be outgoing and friendly with everybody. They do not know the definition of stranger. They are notoriously intolerant of other dogs as they mature, and while some will remain social with other dogs for their whole lives, you should not expect it. Socialization with people and other dogs is hugely important for pups, but should be done safely and in a controlled environment. They need a great deal of exercise and a great deal of structure. A proper pit bull is very self-assured, so you need a backbone or he'll walk all over you. These dogs are not for the weak-minded. They respond extremely well to positive (clicker) training (most are very food motivated). Not so well to punishment.

They're fantastic dogs, but they're in an extremely precarious position right now with breed specific legislation (ie, breed bans) spreading far and wide. You don't get second chances when you own a pit bull. It is always the pit bulls fault, whether it is or not, and you will make the nightly news if you let your dog get into trouble (the lab down the street? not so much). You will get dirty looks and rude comments. Just ignore them. Train your dog. Love your dog. Socialize your dog. Be responsible with your dog. Protect your dog. They are worth it.


New Member
Jul 16, 2008
i love pitties but they are a breed you have to be honest to yourself about can you control a dog that is very strong.

there is a good chance that after a pittie gets to a certain age they will no longer like other dogs not a good candidate for the dog park after no matter how great they were with other dogs when they were younger.

are you ready to do alot of socializing and training now so when he gets older you can still have control over him.
pit bulls get alot of negative attention from police and animal control and unfair attention from nieghbours
in some cases people will actively look for a pit to cause trouble with so they can sue you

they are a great dog but a great responsibility too i dont mean to scare you but something to think about
lol on the other hand there is nothing like pitty love they are a dog that has a heart like no other



New Member
Jul 16, 2008
o yeah and every pit is a ambassador of its breed you are on the spot all the time and yeah. there are few second chances. if there is a fight no matter how it happened or even who is at fault your pit is the one they are going to glare at and blamed for the fight or the incident in most cases



Active Member
Nov 29, 2006
Congrats! How old is he? what's his name? I'd love to hear more about him, this is my favorite breed after all :D

Of course you need to know typical puppy stuff, lots of chew toys, lots of positive experiences with lots of people and dogs. Make sure you socialize the heck out of him, bring him everywhere dogs are allowed! I also recommend clicker training for all dogs and pups, it lets you focus on all the good things your dog does so you don't focus on punishment. Instead of always remembering to punish the dog for doing something wrong you can avidly search for everything good your dog does so you can reward him.

As far as APBT specifics the bad stuff is Dog aggression and ignorant people (of course that's not the dog's fault). In this breed having a dog who hates other dogs is not always the fault of the owner or lack of socialization (though that can be a cause) it can be simply his temperament,l something you cannot fix but can CONTROL and manage which you must. As a pup you should treat him like any other dog, remember to socialize with other dos every day you can, try to seek owners out (when on a walk don't wait for the other owner to ask interested, ask if your dog can meet theirs and if he is friendly) and keep the experiences pleasant. If as adulthood approaches your dog starts showing Dog aggression you'll need to begin training him to focus on you on command or by sight of another dog.
As far as ignorant people you will encounter people who yell at you for saying their child can pet him or will tell you he should be put down. They may tell you he is going to turn on you and will give you looks. You may see a child ask their mom if they can pet the doggy and hear mom say "no those dogs are mean". If you can educate them, if you can't let it roll off of you, you cannot let stupid people ruin your day.

Now for all the rest (depending on you it could be good or bad, for me it's all good!). These dogs LOVE people and are great with kids. they are very active and need lots of activities, not a couch dog that's for sure. So I'd pick up a hobby like swimming, hiking or bike riding so you can bring your pup along. Also lots of playing and trips to the park (human park, not dog park, you cannot guarantee those dogs will be friendly or healthy so you don't want a puppy there) . Those trips will be good for socialization. They are real goof balls and have a great smile. They are determined so will not back down if there is a chance they can get away with something. This does NOT mean you have to be harsher with them or punish them more or "dominate" them by physically pushing them around, it just means you have to be persistent with what you want or will not allow. If the dog is begging don't give in, if he will not listen to a command don't let it go unnoticed, if you have to stop and do a mini training session to be sure he understands what you are asking.

We have many APBT owners here, they are all great dogs and I cannot wait until I can rescue one. If you need any training help do ask!!

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