Annoyed yet proud

Aug 12, 2009
Austin, TX
I was out walking Jasmine and Domino today when we passed a house with people sitting out front on their porch with their two dogs, a beagle and a GSD. Well both of their dogs started barking and I found out that while the beagle was leashed the GSD was not and it came running towards us barking its head off. My first thought was "oh crap" because Domino has some dog aggression issues. Luckily it wasn't really coming to attack because it stopped a few feet away and just kept barking. But neither of my dogs barked and Dom didn't try to charge back at it. They just whined as I turned them around and went the other way.

I was pretty annoyed that they didn't just have the GSD tied up along with the other dog. I mean, if you're just sitting on the porch anyway why not? Especially if that's how it greets other dogs. And the owner's "get your ass back here!" command worked as well as that ever works. I didn't even say anything to the owner, I just immediately turned around and changed our walk route to go in the other direction. I'm hoping he caught my irritated vibe.

But I was so proud of my little Domino. :) I was so afraid a fight was about to break out but she was so good. I know a lot of dogs have problems with aggression on leash but I swear she's better on leash than off. It's weird.


I love my Weimaheiny!
Mar 16, 2008
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
That would annoy me too. Even though it's semi-hypocritical for me to say.

I had Slade at a friend's house the other night, and when I went to go pee, he took his opportunity to be a brat, and scooched across the street to pester a man walking his dog. I felt SO bad, because I NEVER let him do stuff like that, and he has an infallible stay offleash even with that kind of temptation. But since I was in the bathroom, I'm sure he figured "if you no say it, it no count!"

Difference is though, Slade does NOT bark at people, and is very very polite and non-threatening (If you know dogs. Someone leery of dogs would be put off by my horse regardless I'm sure) in his greetings to people and dogs alike. Even if they are much much smaller than him. He's all wiggle-nubbins and goofiness.

Nonetheless though, I apologized to the guy, and recalled him ASAP, because I still find it totally unacceptable for him to be invasive to someone walking their dog like that.
Aug 12, 2009
Austin, TX
Difference is though, Slade does NOT bark at people, and is very very polite and non-threatening (If you know dogs. Someone leery of dogs would be put off by my horse regardless I'm sure) in his greetings to people and dogs alike. Even if they are much much smaller than him. He's all wiggle-nubbins and goofiness.
See that was really the thing. If the dog just ran up politely wanting to do some butt sniffing I only would have been slightly annoyed for the dog being allowed to run up to mine. But that barking greeting was just terrible!

I've actually had dogs run up to mine several times because it seems there are lots of escape artists in my neighborhood. Oh plus the pug that they just let run loose that would always want to follow us. I haven't seen him in awhile though, I guess they moved or they finally got tired of their dog running away with us.

(I laughed out loud at "wiggle-nubbins" - ha!)

P.S. I always linger on your signature . . . You've got yourself a couple of effing GORGEOUS dogs my friend. :)
Aw thank you! I know I'm biased but they are cutie patooties. Slade is a really handsome man himself! I love his crazy ball picture.


New Member
Sep 15, 2006
I wouldn't be suprised if the owners of the GSD secretly got a kick out of watching their dog "guard" their property. Grrr.

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