A Very Poopy Day

Sep 17, 2007
This was my day yesterday.

I video-conference teach violin and guitar lessons to a school out in the Bush, and the school district invited me to come to a workshop with their new internet and communications provider. I had to be AT the workshop at 8AM and it was supposed to last until 11:15.

Loathe to make Ole stay in his crate that long (it really stresses him out) I took both dogs because in general, they are very good waiting in the car for me if they are BOTH there. Ole on his own tends to get into mischief.

I checked on them halfway through and they were both curled up sleeping. I thought, What good dogs!

When I got in the car at 11:30 I found that Ole had chewed Sofia's leash in half. :mad: It was a new one, too. Grrrr.

I met with a teacher and ate lunch, and the dogs were good. I gave them a good, moderate walk. Then I went to teach one half-hour lesson and tried to bring Ole in for that lesson so he wouldn't get bored. But he wouldn't stop barking and running around, and he wouldn't go to the bathroom outside, so all I could do was put him back in the car with Sofia (who had no leash now because of his earlier activities).

When I came back to the car he'd pooped all over the back seat. Well, at least it wasn't my driver's seat....

I cleaned that up and went home, as I had two hours between students and I could just about get home, put him in his crate (no other choice at this point) and turn around and go back. I took Sofia with me because she has had to stay home all week because he can't be left alone at home, or even home with her unless he's crated. Which he hates.

I gave lessons until seven. I'm the leader of a Celtic jam and had to go do that from 7:30 to 9, but I managed to leave a few minutes early.

I came home to a HORRENDOUS poop mess in the crate, and a poopy dog.

No, it wasn't diarrhea but I almost barfed as soon as I walked in the door, then had horrible asthma to the point of needing to stop, wash my hands and get meds. My house is basically two big rooms, one upstairs and one downstairs so EVERYTHING stunk!

So then I had to take the poopy dog and put him on the cable run (it's pitch black outside), and go back, change into yucky clothes from my work clothes, get on my hands and knees and try to clean the crate.

Ten minutes and a lot of gasping later I decided that the crate could be washed this weekend and dragged it down my twisty stairs and out into the front yard. FEH. ::gack gack::

Of course once the crate was out of the picture, the next thing was the Poopy Dog. But I couldn't get Ole to get into the shower (I have no tub). I tried smearing peanut butter on the walls of the shower. He happily licked my hands, looked yearningly at the peanut butter on the walls but wouldn't get in.

Finally I called my neighbor, who is a very experienced dog person, and said HELP! lol

I found out my mistake was not putting a towel in the bottom of the shower for him to feel he had traction. She managed to wash him, GOD BLESS HER, and I dried him. He now smells like Sunsilk. :D I'm very glad she is my friend! And I learned how to get him to take a bath now, too.

By the time that Poopy Day was done it was 10pm and boy, was I POOPED!
Sep 17, 2007
That sounds like a long day.

Does your Celtic jam ever make it to the Eagle River Scottish games?
Hey there fellow Alaskan....

I'm in Fairbanks, and the jam is just a jam, whatever random people who show up all playing together.

There is a jam down your way that seems to meet at McGinty's or McGinley's or whatever the heck it's called, and I think at Suzi's Woolies, too. I'm sure if you went down to either place you could find out when and where.

Do you ever make it up to Fairbanks? If so, maybe Ole and your dog can have a playdate sometime?

I rarely get as far as Wasilla...

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