A day without an American---


The ***** idiot
Nov 8, 2005
Where the nuts hunt the squirrels...
As you all are aware of the recent hispanic protest marches that occured May 1st, there is another planned protest May 15th.

Im asking anyone that believes that illegal immigration is wrong to please start a counter peaceful protest called a A Day Without An American. Walk out of work, especially if you work in special services such as Welfare Caseworker, Food Stamp Caseworker, and in healthcare professions (only where it is safe to do so - IE Clinical Nurses and Docs walk out and Lab Techs Walkout and anyone that works for a PRIVATE EMS company). Also walk out if you are a postal worker, bus driver, train driver, teacher, industrial worker, etc. Civil Servants - I know you would like to but by Federal Law Civil Servants cant walk out - IE - COUNTY EMS Services, Federal Postal worker, Firemen, police.

Wear your AMERICAN colors, and let the illegals know that they are breaking the law coming into this country illegally, and stealing American jobs. Its not that Americans dont want to do them, its the fact that they have slowly creeped them out from under us.

Without an American this country could not function. Contact your congressman and let them know how you feel about illegal immigration.

AMERICA it is time to take back our country, freedom aint free!!

Please forward this to your friends and family and lets have us an AMERICAN protest.

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