8 1/2 wk rottie nipping and growling, chewing/mouthing

May 23, 2006
I have a 8 1/2 week old rottie that gets quite upset when he is picked up. We try not to pick him up often because, after all, he's a big dog and should be able to walk himself. But certain situation come up where we need to carry him. Sometimes (usually in public) he's fine, but other times he will let out some growls and sometimes even flail around and try to bite us. What can we do to curb this behavior? We've been trying to just hold him in a comfortable position until he calms down, then praise and treat, but it doesn't seem to be working well. He'll calm down then as we go to put him down he starts again.

Now as far as chewing/mouthing/biting ankles and stuff, from what I read you're supposed to give a command like "leave it" and when he stops praise him, then redirect his attention to a toy or something. Is that correct? What do I do if he is more interesting in whatever he was chewing on then the toy? Is there anything else I can do?


New Member
Sep 12, 2006
Hi Paterson. Romeo's a cutie! Always teach "leave it' command, (and all others, at this age) on leash. Timing is important and you don't want to turn this into a battle of the wills or have him process "if I'm faster than they are, it's mine!" Teach "leave it" by setting him up with food. Preferably on a tile floor, your kitchen. Show him food/bait, held in your right hand, leash in your left hand, pup on your left side. Set food down on ground in front of him and give command. It is quiet, calm, no raised voice. Don't give him enough leash to actually reach bait. Show second piece of food in hand, quickly, as he starts to pull foward to go for food on ground. (Lunges for food if he's a rott puppy!) Take step back with right foot, food at nose level in right hand, give command "come!" Very excitedly redirect his attention and have him take several steps toward you, away from food on ground. Reward. Make sure you have him come all the way into you and stay with you. No quickly taking bait from you and then rushing back to food on floor. While he's being rewarded, pick up the bait on floor and move to new spot. Make it fun. You need to condition him when hearing "leave it", to understanding that he's to then redirect his attention to you and quickly come to you. When you see he's starting to "get it", you can make a game out of this by adding attention exercises. Place 3 pieces of bait in a line about 3 ft between each piece. Show him bait in your hand and go for a walk past each piece of food on ground. "Leave it" command as you approach each piece. As soon as he looks up and acknowleges you lots of praise and food reward. If he ignores you and pulls toward food on ground, go back to taking quick step back and bring him to you on leash, redirecting his attention. You're doing the right thing by quietly and calmly holding him until he "settles". If he tries to bite in his efforts to be released, take your right hand and place thumb and index finger in collar under chin, raising head. He can't bite you from this position. Bait is also hidden in that hand behind remaining fingers. Quietly tell him leave it as he fusses and take ahold of collar and bringing chin up. As he sniffs food hidden in hand, praise and release food. He's rewarded while he's still in your arms, not after he's set on the ground. Lots of handling and massage for this pup now, (paws, ears, muzzle, stomach) with you on the ground and him in your lap should teach him that any handling by humans is very pleasant. Good luck.


Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2004
Oh, he is still young. I will give you a tip that was given to me by Smkie when my pup wouldn't stop nipping. Take a wash cloth and run it under warm water and squeeze out a bit. Gently rub the wash cloth over the pups face. This reminds the pup of his mother licking his face. The pup should calm right down. This worked wonders for me.

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