3 different animals, all eating each other's food...help!


New Member
Aug 23, 2004
I'm going crazy here!

I have a 10 month old dog on dog food, a 15 year old cat on a low-protein feline diet due to kidney failure, and a 4 month old cat on kitten food. None of them want to eat their own food and they all want to eat each other's food. I even stand there and supervise all 3 of them eating just to keep them at their own bowls.

Up until now I've put Sophie (the dog) attached to a leash which is attached to the table, so she can't get to the kitten's food, which I have him eating on the floor on the other side of the kitchen. That, however, doesn't stop him (the kitten) from walking over and eating the puppy's food. That's tastier apparently. And then I have Tabatha's bowl (the 15 year old kitty) up on the counter because up until yesterday, the kitten couldn't jump up on the counter. Well, he figured it out yesterday and we are now in total chaos. And Tabatha would much rather eat the dog food or the kitten food, both of which will eventually be fatal to her if I don't stop her in time. And if I have the dog off the leash, forget it. The kitten's food is much tastier.

I guess my major question is how harmful is it for a dog to eat a few bites of kitten food a day (meaning, the amount of bites she can get in before I bolt across the room to stop her) and how harmful is it for a kitten to eat a few bites of dog food a day (meaning, the amount of bites he can get in before I can get to him and NO he does not respond to commands...are you kidding?!). I already know the harms for the older cat, but she moves fast too.

Apparently, the grass is always greener on the other side. I don't have the time or space to feed them in separate rooms or at separate times. Any ideas? And yes, the dog is totally scared of the 4 month old kitten, so if he walks up, the dog backs off. Kitten wins.

How do other multiple pet owners who are all on different diets handle this?


Island dweller
Dec 26, 2004
Well, I don't think it's that big a deal if they eat eachothers food. My cats nibble on the dogs food, the dogs occassionally get some cat food (if I don't have any treats) and I've even seen the rabbits eating dog food which can't be good!

My cats eat their food up high. The dogs don't get into it at all.

You have two cats on special diets. The only problem that may come up is the older cat eating the younger cat's food since she's on a special diet.

Maybe try feeding the older cat in the bathroom or bedroom. Somewhere where she can be locked in. Feed the kitten up high and the dog on the floor as you have been. Their food won't hurt eachother, especially if you are feeding a high quality food.

Hope that helps
Dec 20, 2003
Where the selas blooms
The cats won't get enough protein from dog food, and the cat food is too rich for the dog and will give it the fart-n-runs, lol! Dogs just love cat food!

Saje's got the right idea, I think. Lock your older cat in the bathroom with her food dish until she's eaten it, put the kitten's food up high and the dog's food on the floor.

Not a perfect solution, but better than nothing . . . Good luck!


Active Member
Dec 31, 2004
western Wa
I have four dogs and I feed them in four seperate rooms. My smallest Chi, I feed in her crate. My Lab in the kitchen, my Dobe in the den and my boy Chi in the bathroom. Then I can go about my business and give them ample time to eat without being nervous or having one dog eat too much and get fat and the other not getting any. No fights....Plus, my Lab is on a special diet for her liver problems.
Dec 20, 2003
Where the selas blooms
Shiva has to eat in the laundry room, Bimmer in the bedroom and Kharma in the kitchen. Bimmer and Kharma don't have to be separated by closed doors, just space, because Bimmer likes to eat at a very leisurely pace and Kharma has figured out she might as well slow down too, since she's not about to even LOOK at the bedroom while he still has food in his dish.

Shiva's in the laundry room with the door closed so that she can slow down instead of worrying about wolfing hers down so she can root Kharma out of her bowl and eat Kharma's food too.

Shiva doesn't think it's a very good idea to bother Bimmer when he's eating either, lol!


Dec 16, 2004
Got the same problem..if mary can snitch a bit of Victor's she will gain three lbs from it. And Snitch is what she does, she will gobble up the cat's food too so the cats have to eat in the laundry room..she gets her little 1 cup in the kitchen and Vic eats his in what ever room I am working in so I can KEEP AN EYE on his bowl. Keeping Mary's weight down is very important because she has arthritis. When she was ten lbs heavier she had trouble getting up and down, and wasn't having much fun. The weight loss along with her medicine has put new life in her. With Victor horsing around she needs all the life she can get pain free.

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