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  1. Z

    Central Asian Ovtcharka? Am I too inexperienced?

    I'm guessing the answer is, if you have to ask then yes. I like the dog though, and even though flock guardians are not as friendly as I'd like (correct me if I'm wrong) It suits the farm and business I'm about to start.
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    Trying to decide between a Fila and a Boerboel. Can anyone tell me about them?

    I've looked on dogbreedinfo, I don't know how accurate that website is. I just wanted to ask some people. It says that Filas have distrust of strangers "Ojeriza" which I'm interpreting as it attacks anything that isn't it's family no matter how much you socialize it? That would be a bit much...
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    Is my new dog going to be a wimp forever?

    I got a rotweiller x pitbull from a rescue society a couple days ago. He's scared of everything. This is the most wimp dog I've ever owned. What the hell? He's a combination of the two most confident dogs I know of. What kind of crap is this? Is he going to be like this forever? Main...
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    Rottweiler in an appartment

    Hello, I will be moving into a mid sized appartment soon. I was wondering how possible it would be to bring in a 10 week old rotty. I've read that they can get pretty destructive if left in an appartment due to not being able to let out all their puppy energy. The thing is, I jog every...
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    Doggy doors

    Doggy door for a 120 lb dog. What do yall think?
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    My dog ate chocolate

    My moms 10 lb poodle ate a milk chocolate bar. What do I do?
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    My dogs DO NOT get along

    My mother has an 8 year old toy poodle. She didn't socialize it properly with other dogs, and she bought it from a backyard breeder so it's completely blind. Recently I bought a 10 week old Beauceron, and at 10 weeks old it's 4 times the size of the poodle. It's still in that puppy stage of...
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    New dog

    I got this Beauceron today. His name is Potato and everyone in the house really likes him. Here's a picture my mom took today. I'm the one holding it, my brothers in the background. I have a couple questions though. I want to be the Alpha dog, but everyone in my house keeps barking...
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    Best way to ship

    I'm getting an 8 week old Beauceron from a breeder who lives in Indiana, I live in Florida. What's the safest way to ship dogs?
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    Chesapeake Bay Retreivers

    How well would they do in Florida weather? I don't have a pool but I could keep it in the airconditioned house as much as needed. When I go out to run and I bring the dog with me how do I give it water? I can't jog with a dog bowl in my hand.
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    Big dogs

    I've lately been looking into getting a bullmastiff and keeping it as an indoor/outdoor dog. Keeping a doggy door so it has the option to go in and out as it pleases, training it to crap outside ect. My father on the otherhand insists that a 10-12 lb indoor only dog is the ONLY dog that will...
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    What breed is right for me?

    I've been looking for a BIG dog to gaurd my house and scare away trespassers. I'm fairly dormant and I have no kids small enough that I would have to worry about the dog mauling them. I was thinking Mastiff or Bullmastiff. I'm not a first time dog owner so I don't think there's any training...