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  1. R

    anyone know about this medicine?

    My poodle was given an eardrop called mometamax. A vet tech told me that it was a combo of a steroid for inflamation, an anti-fungal ingredient, and an anti-bacterial ingredient. She has a problem with itching around her mouth area and I have switched over to raw feeding to see if it was food...
  2. R

    ingesting hydrocortisone cream

    A vet (not mine) told me to put 2% hydrocortisone cream around my dog's itchy mouth and it works to stop the itching, but I'm worried about her ingesting it. I don't use alot but she is still getting some when she licks around her mouth. I was only picking up my dog at the groomer and not...
  3. R

    why raw and not cooked?

    I am ready to try a home prepared diet for my poodle because she has so many different problems. Bad breath, tarter, itching around her mouth, gas, overweight, all more than likely diet related. I brought her to the groomer today and asked them (she and the vet who share the building) what...
  4. R

    tarter and bad breath

    My toy poodle has bad breath and tarter on her teeth. I had her teeth professionally cleaned less than a year ago and already she is getting tarter on the outside of her canines. I give her chew bones and bisquits but it doesn't seem to stop it. Does anyone else have this problem and any...
  5. R

    flea (and mosquito) repellant

    Here in Louisiana we have mosquitoes year around. Someone gave me a can of flea and mosquito repellant yesterday that contains 30% deet. I am afraid to use this on my dogs but a repellant for fleas that works would be great. I use frontline, but it does not repel fleas. I also like the idea...
  6. R

    Does anyone have this problem?

    I am frantically trying to retrain my poodle not to pee on the floor. She has been through a lot in the past two years with us moving to a new house, then after being here a short time being wallopped by Hurricane Rita and having to evacuate then having to come home to everything upside down...
  7. R

    scratching poodle

    I have a few things that I have questions about...some of what might be related to one another...My poodle, Bambi, has been scratching under her chin and around her mouth until the skin is red and blotchy. Today she scratched until it bled. I don't see a single flea on her, and I am not...
  8. R

    Hi from Louisiana!

    Hello everyone...My name is Roxy and I live in SW Louisiana. I am "owned" by two dogs, a 15 year old Peke (Bonnie) and a 5 year old toy poodle (Bambi). I also have a Quaker Parrot (Louie). I have come to this site to get to know other dog owners and hopefully learn from their experiences. So...