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  1. M

    Weirdo Dog, LOL!

    When we first got Quincy a lady I bumped into laughingly told me not to rearrange anything in the house, that Cavaliers don't do well with change. Well, sorry to my pooch, but sometimes you just have to. We rearranged the living room. Biggest thing was that I moved the computer (and all...
  2. M

    I am just too cruel

    I was sitting on the couch watching Animal Planet and there was a cat on. Quincy, my defender from all things smaller than him, jumped up onto the couch beside me to make a big show of growling and scaring off the kitty. The scene changed so he was satisfied, he slowly lowered his tush to make...
  3. M

    I'm so dense.

    My husband's on holidays this week so we decided to go out for lunch. Walked down the road to the local sports bar. I know nothing of sports, even less about sports bars, but what the heck. So, while in Rome....... I decide to have a beer (normally not a big beer drinker with the exception...
  4. M

    I'm going to admit to something here,

    on Chaz, that I can't admit to anybody I know in real life. I am HOT! Hot, uncomfortably frying HOT!!! A week ago a friend of mine just north of here got snow. Now it's 34.3 degrees celsius in my backyard. That doesn't include the humidex. What the heck happened to spring? You know...
  5. M

    It's more than official.... she's herrrrrrrreee...

    Well, the baby's been born, welcome to Suri Cruise (forget 10 times, say it once fast). The People mag article gave me a laugh. "As for marriage, Cruise and Holmes plan to tie the knot soon, Cruise said on the German TV program Wetten, dass..? on April 1. "In summer we want to get married. I...
  6. M

    Somebody please tell me why

    When a dog has long, a good deal of white, fur (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel), do they go roll in the dirt after you've taken hours bathing, blow-drying, grooming and trimming them? Oh yeah, and I cleaned the aquarium today, dumped the water into the garden (good fertilizer). Guess where...
  7. M

    Some foolish trivia

    That spray can whipped cream floats in a toilet bowl and it doesn't flush all that well. Didn't know my husband could yell that loud at 6 am. This is almost my favorite day of the year, my family is scared..... Ok, the Honeycombs are mine, all mine...... I have yet to have a bowl but the...
  8. M

    Ok, so I guess I really AM evil

    This is driving Quincy nuts, LOL! So yes, I've got the computer hooked up to the stereo speakers, surround sound, just to see him whipping around looking for the "ding ding guy". Hmmm, bonus, don't think my husband's a froggy fan...
  9. M

    Illegal sites?

    I mean, according to the email I've gotten a few times from the "FBI", I'm in big trouble for visiting "illegal sites". They want me to fill out a little questionaire and send it back to them. Goooood idea, I'll open that attachment because I'm THAT gullible. What next? A mountie (I'm...
  10. M

    It's National "Hello Day" today

    So...... HELLO! Now, if the guy on our local news is right, if ten people read this I'll have good luck?
  11. M

    Oh! Look up!!

    The chat room link is back! :D :D :D
  12. M

    I'm an Evil Mommy

    Simply and utterly evil, I tell you. Radio Meggie just doesn't cut it as a kid waker-upper on Monday mornings. Yes, I even tried Celine but it only brought back my long suppressed memories of kid named Kenny from 4th grade who used to think fingernails down a chalkboard was musical expression...
  13. M

    Hmmm, is this considered child abuse?

    I mean, considering my son's seventeen years old...... Ok, typical teen, his alarm goes, he shuts it off and rolls over. I hate yelling, even if it's yelling up the stairs to wake him up. I have my laptop hooked up to the stereo surround sound. I think I'm trying to answer a question, "How...
  14. M

    This is just too cute!

    We're watching Animal Planet and Top Dogs is on. They're showing the last place winners of different competitions, a doggy Blooper Reel! Omgosh, one of the races, I'm laughing myself silly. Five Jack Russells come flying out of the gates, and promptly start rolling around playing together on...
  15. M

    Well, we finally did it

    We took Quincy to the off-leash park this morning for the first time! I was worried because he's shy and hasn't been around that big of a group of dogs since his puppy classes. He loved it and so did we. He romped for a while, came back to me when I called, then we went for a walk along the...
  16. M

    Please excuse my rant....

    With all the recent talk about Peta and animal abuses, can I rant on my pet peeve for a few minutes? My information is solely for Canada, but may apply to the States, I'm not sure. Recently, somebody posted about a tiger escaping from a local roadside zoo and waltzing through her backyard...
  17. M

    Too funny!

    Hooked my computer up to the Tv surround sound system, went into the chat room and typed in *meow*. My dog's in the middle of the room spinning around and around looking for the cat! I'd better stop before it gets into his head that the cat's IN the speakers.
  18. M

    I'm living "The Birds"!

    Starting to feel particularily Tippy Hedrenish here (except the hair, and the eyes, and the body.... ok so closer to Rod Taylor maybe?). The Starlings are starting to flock together to migrate and our maple's covered in them! Couldn't something cuter, quieter, and toilet trained be massing...
  19. M

    Snoring Dog?

    He's a really little dog, but he sounds like a reving truck sometimes. My poor husband got the "roll onto your side" elbow a few times last night before I figured out it was Quincy, not him, oops! I'm a bit sound sensitive at night and sometimes it feels like trying to sleep through the...
  20. M

    Delurking to post an intro.

    :) I'm a SAHM of two, a teen and a preteen, and we're in Ontario. Also the "Mom" of a nearly two year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (My avatar is him when he was only a few months old). We also have previously had a Border Collie (rescue), she passed away July 2003 at around 8 years...