Search results

  1. faustus

    Breeds you would have never considered owning until you met one

    So like the title says, has their ever been a certain breed of dog that either you didn't like the sound of them or they weren't on your radar at all, but you changed your opinion once you met one? For me I thought I wouldn't like whippets very much as the descriptions of their personalities...
  2. faustus

    Do you have a life motto?

    Do you have a motto that guides you in life? Or a particular saying that is super meaningful to you in some way? A quote that really speaks to you? Share it here :) My current life motto is "Aim high and dream big." I've alway been a big dreamer but I finally started taking actions to make...
  3. faustus

    Fox dog roadtrip!

    I'll use this thread to post the pictures I'm taking of Foxy on my roadtrip across the US! These are all from South Dakota :) Foxy and me Crazy ears! This picture does not do the beautiful scenery justice at all! I think my dog has dreams of becoming a model haha
  4. faustus


    Here's a whole bunch of Instagram photos of the foxdog :) I sent out a DNA test on her and she came back as a mini poodle/rat terrier with Japanese spitz and Ibizan hound in her ancestry as well :rofl1: I'll probably continue to refer to her as a chihuahua mix as I'm starting to doubt the...
  5. faustus

    Cross country road trip with a dog

    I'm moving from Massachusetts to Oregon in a few days and I plan on driving the whole way with just me and my dog Foxy. She's generally good in the car, but hasn't rode with me farther than maybe 2.5 hours tops. Any tips/suggestions for making this journey as stress-free as possible for both of...
  6. faustus

    Foxy lady

    I don't post nearly enough on here, as I mostly just lurk and covet all your dogs x3 but here are some updated photos of Foxy. She turned 1 year old at the end of February and is still as crazy as ever, if not more so. We just finished up her second manners class and will hopefully be starting...
  7. faustus

    Introducing Foxy :)

    Untitled by foxdogphotos, on Flickr I finally have a dog of my own! I adopted her on Thursday from the shelter I work at. She's only 8 months old and we have a lot of socializing to do. She's shy around strangers, especially men. We're working on it and she's already become a lot more...
  8. faustus

    Rarer breeds showing up on craigslist

    I was browsing through the pet section on Craigslist the other day and came across an ad for a poodle/malinois mix! It struck me as odd as I haven't even seen a single mal in person around here. Then today I saw an ad for a 7 month old Akbash Dog! I haven't even heard of that breed before, and I...
  9. faustus

    Your ideal dog park

    I'm looking into opening and running a private dog park in the future when I'm settled down in one area. If you could create an ideal dog park, what features would you include? Things I'm already considering: Double gated entries Card key entry Separate small dog/relaxed dog area Some...
  10. faustus

    Picking a Puppy

    Although I still have a long wait before I can get a dog, I was wondering if there is anything specific I should do when I go to pick my puppy. I already found a breeder with policies I agree with, so that part is done, but when the litter is born and I go meet them once they've grown up a...
  11. faustus

    Editing photos, am I on the right track?

    I got a DSLR for Christmas and I'm still learning how to use it, but I'm also trying to figure out how to properly edit photos using Lightroom. I went to an agility trial recently and got a couple neat shots, but the bad lighting drained the photos a bit. Here's my first attempt at navigating...
  12. faustus

    Mini Aussies

    Does anyone here have first hand experience with mini aussies? I'd love to hear anything and everything about them as I'm pretty sure they're the breed I'm going to go with for my first dog :) I've done some research on them but reading breed standards and the like is nowhere near as informative...
  13. faustus

    Long time lurker

    Hi there :) I've been lurking on this site for a good while now so I figure it's about time I stopped being a creeper and actually joined in on some conversations! I don't currently have a dog, but hopefully this will change once I graduate college in May and once I find a 'real world' job. I've...