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  1. H

    Operation Save Sparky- UPDATE!

    You will not believe this! You're prayers payed off! Here's what happened... My husband's half sister (the step-dad's and his mom's daughter) told her counsilor that her daddy had drugs in the house and mommy didnt allow that when they lived in the same house so why was it ok now? Well the...
  2. H

    pray for sparky to be abandoned.

    Ok to make a long story short, my husbands mom is getting a divorce (divorce #2, the guy is justin's step dad). He's renting a place. He has a dog that he left and my mother-in-laws house. She thinks he is coming back for her, as he is not yet moved out completly. I've always felt SO bad for...
  3. H

    sumbissive/fearful issues including biting

    Hello, New to the boards, but here's a little info about my dog and I will explain my problem following... Name: Vega, Breed: minurature rat terrier mixed with a terrier mix dog, Breeder: a child who did it for a 4H project, age when I adopted her: 6 weeks old, size: 9lbs, sex: female...
  4. H

    hello everyone

    Just thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Meagan. My dog is Vega, a minurature rat terrier/mixed terrier mix. Product of a 4H project, I paid too much for her, she was too young (6weeks), I didn't need a dog, I hadn't planned on a dog, I didnt want a small dog, but I fell in love and she's been...