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  1. S

    Shes Really odd...

    My siberian husky will not eat inless I sit with her. I have to literally get on the ground and sit beside her.. If I dont she will not eat. I have tried slowly moving away over time, but she notices and stops eating. When she is hungry she tells me, she cries and whines. I feed...
  2. S

    How many of you.....

    ...have had people ask what breed your dog is and when you tell them, they say: "it doesn't look like one" or "no it's not" ? When Baby (great dane) was young people always asked if she was a weimaraner. SOOOOOO many people thought she was... but no, she is a BLue Great Dane lol. different...
  3. S

    Ouch... A question for you dog owners.

    This is kind of an odd question.... What's the worst thing your pet has done to you? Not on purpose, just one of those freakish accidents that happen? One time I was petting Baby as she stood in the living room. I bent down over her to kiss her forehead, as I did that she desided it...
  4. S

    pics of my doggies. !!!

    hi everyone. i am new here. i thought i would post some pics of my doggies.. i own a siberian husky *tikeya*, and my parents own a shih tzu*oscar* and a great dane*Baby blue*. ok now for pictures !!! Baby Blue. 2 year old Blue greay dane. Oscar. 3 year old Shih tzu...
  5. S

    Siberian huskies

    Anyone here have a siberian husky?? I own a female sibe. she is the biggest sweet heart. she talks more then I do in a day ;). I am getting my second sibe in 2006 from a breeder in BC. my future breeder owns a couple sibes off the movie "snow dogs" :)...
  6. S

    blowing coat..

    My sibe is blowing her coat. what in everyones opinion would be the best brush to use on her? here are some pics ;) :eek: