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  1. Mama-to-Elle

    Just a check in..

    Hey guys! We were MIA for almost 2 weeks.. EEK! :eek: Sometimes it feels like there are 4 hours in the day, and not 24.. LOL! Luna will be 15 weeks tomorrow... and boy oh boy she is getting BIG FAST.. or so it feels.. we WOULD post new pictures but someone (we wont name names.. )...
  2. Mama-to-Elle

    First Day of Raw..

    We did it.. It is our first day doing a raw diet... We bought whole fryer chickens, they were on sale, so i chopped em all up, and started her.. Luna is 15 weeks tomorrow. OMG. :yikes: She acted like she had never eaten and wanted MORE MORE MORE... and now she is on a mad search all over...
  3. Mama-to-Elle

    RAW questions

    Hey guys, Just a quick question. We're looking at starting our girl on RAW. We called some butchers around here and we're looking at about $42.00 for a 40lb case of chicken quarters/chicken backs, same for chicken necks. Is this about right price wise? I know we will need more then...
  4. Mama-to-Elle

    Luna and her love..

    As requested, LOL.. Here are some more pics of Luna and her love.. (our daughter/her sister) ;) I don't have any good ones of her running around outside yet, because this week has been in the 30's and monsooning, cold wet and windy.. I'll get some soon! :) Thanks for looking. ETA: Please...
  5. Mama-to-Elle

    Opinions Needed.. PRETTY please..

    Hey guys! We are in a pickle.. well we really just need help deciding a big decision, from experienced dog owners.. We got Luna last weekend, she is a Fila Brasiliero, female pup 12 weeks.. INSERT DILEMMA HERE: :confused: The breeder called us yesterday, and asked us if we'd...
  6. Mama-to-Elle

    "Your dog will eat your daughter".. UGH.. Just a vent..

    Okay, so this is really just me being irritated, and venting.... Thanks in advance if you take the time to read it.. ;) So we got our Fila Brasiliero puppy a week ago, she is 11 weeks, and a total love, but yes, most puppies are.. We HIGHLY researched the breed prior to purchasing her, and...
  7. Mama-to-Elle

    Our new Fila Puppy!!

    We got our Fila Brasiliero Today!!! YAYYYY!!!!!! :thumbsupsmileyanim: We are SO SO SO Excited. She is so precious.. The sweetest thing, EVER!! But holy cow, LOL, she is so big already.. Her mom was 180lbs and her dad was 205lbs. :eek: Are Mastiff pups in general rather vocal? She doesn't...