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  1. Mama-to-Elle

    First Day of Raw..

    LOL.. Eek.. There is no way she is hiding her "left overs" as there are none to speak of.. Haha! She definitely is a fan, and ewwwwwww she sure liked the chicken livers we added this morning.. I DO have to admit, I gagged a little while hacking up the whole chickens last night.. and if we're...
  2. Mama-to-Elle

    Just a check in..

    Hey guys! We were MIA for almost 2 weeks.. EEK! :eek: Sometimes it feels like there are 4 hours in the day, and not 24.. LOL! Luna will be 15 weeks tomorrow... and boy oh boy she is getting BIG FAST.. or so it feels.. we WOULD post new pictures but someone (we wont name names.. )...
  3. Mama-to-Elle

    First Day of Raw..

    We did it.. It is our first day doing a raw diet... We bought whole fryer chickens, they were on sale, so i chopped em all up, and started her.. Luna is 15 weeks tomorrow. OMG. :yikes: She acted like she had never eaten and wanted MORE MORE MORE... and now she is on a mad search all over...
  4. Mama-to-Elle

    RAW questions

    Okay, thanks guys! I will keep looking, I found a poultry processing place near us, I will give them a call. Also, with Luna, she is now close to 30lbs, but we estimate 140-180 full grown, at what point will Chicken backs, necks, quarters, etc be too small for her? Or can she always have them...
  5. Mama-to-Elle

    RAW questions

    Hey guys, Just a quick question. We're looking at starting our girl on RAW. We called some butchers around here and we're looking at about $42.00 for a 40lb case of chicken quarters/chicken backs, same for chicken necks. Is this about right price wise? I know we will need more then...
  6. Mama-to-Elle

    Which dog to sponsor January 2011?

    I missed voting, but what a great thing you do.. :) I could never have chosen, and the story of Cinnamon Bear is heart breaking..
  7. Mama-to-Elle

    Luna and her love..

    Thanks Girls! :) We love watching them play... Luna plays pretty rough still, and uses her BIG ole paws alot, but is incredibly gentle with Elle, its just sweet to watch.. :)
  8. Mama-to-Elle

    Thoughts on this?

  9. Mama-to-Elle

    A few pics.

    Wilson is so pretty, I love his color!
  10. Mama-to-Elle

    Overdue Max photos

    So cute! I love him, great pics!
  11. Mama-to-Elle

    Opinions Needed.. PRETTY please..

    Hmm... I wonder if she will be a red.. Thats what we liked about her, that she had quite a bit of dark on her face, chest, and front of legs... Now I am curious.. ;)
  12. Mama-to-Elle

    Opinions Needed.. PRETTY please..

    I'm not super familiar with what exactly makes fawn vs red.. But she isn't that really blonde, light fawn, she has a deeper color to her, we thought she was really pretty, they did have the light light fawns there as well. Her dad was a super light Fawn, but boy was he purdy, and BIG... :eek:
  13. Mama-to-Elle

    Luna and her love..

    As requested, LOL.. Here are some more pics of Luna and her love.. (our daughter/her sister) ;) I don't have any good ones of her running around outside yet, because this week has been in the 30's and monsooning, cold wet and windy.. I'll get some soon! :) Thanks for looking. ETA: Please...
  14. Mama-to-Elle

    Opinions Needed.. PRETTY please..

    And for those requesting them, there are some new Luna pics going up on the photo board in a few :)
  15. Mama-to-Elle

    Opinions Needed.. PRETTY please..

    We were going to get a brindle female, but when we went to meet and greet the puppies, we just really loved Luna. She was the sweetest, not as playful as the other pups while we were there, but just so sweet, and was larger in size. The un playful trait in her flew out the window, about 20...
  16. Mama-to-Elle

    Opinions Needed.. PRETTY please..

    Dad was a Fawn, Mom was a Dark Brindle. Luna of course is a Fawn. ;)
  17. Mama-to-Elle

    Opinions Needed.. PRETTY please..

    and :rofl1: about Alligators with fur!!
  18. Mama-to-Elle

    Opinions Needed.. PRETTY please..

    Thank you SO SO much for that Linda. I really greatly appreciate all the time you took to type that. As much as we both would LOVE to have another Fila. I think the smart "house mom" in me has decided, we need to dedicate all of our energy currently to Luna and my daughter. Luna already...
  19. Mama-to-Elle

    Opinions Needed.. PRETTY please..

    I'm at about a 99% not gonna happen rate.. LOL ;) Sorry I wasted everyones time asking, I just was really on the fence and knew you'd all have knowledgeable responses... I will let you know when I break the boys heart later, maybe I should go bake cookies first or something... :p Renee, he is...
  20. Mama-to-Elle

    Opinions Needed.. PRETTY please..

    Thank you so much for all the time and effort ya'll are putting into your responses. :) I am leaning No. My boyfriend would really love to have him, but I am the main pet/house/kid tender and I just feel like it would be too much all at once. I haven't told him no for certain yet, but that...