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  1. Dbleichner

    Bear learns to swim

    It's funny she never brings the ball back on land but she brings it back everytime in the water.
  2. Dbleichner

    Bear in action

    Nope no APBT but her mom was Boston though. They have a pretty blocky head somewhat like a APBT but I think she got her dad's eyes he was a lab.
  3. Dbleichner

    Recognize Objects

    I have gotten my dog Bear to play hide and seek but Its taking a while to teach her to recognize different objects. I started out with by putting a dog treat in front of her and making her stay until I said "get the treat" Once she got that I put a rope toy in front of her and made her...
  4. Dbleichner

    Is Something suddenly wrong with telling the truth???

    I am truely sorry for coming across as a jackass. I was just trying to get you understand that somethings should just go un-said. If I could take it back I would. :(
  5. Dbleichner

    Is Something suddenly wrong with telling the truth???

    Actually I read the entire thread and what I got from it was someone who asked us to argue for or against telling the truth. But the someone who created the post was completely one dimensional in her posts. All I was doing was trying to prove to her why we shouldn't tell the whole truth...
  6. Dbleichner

    Is Something suddenly wrong with telling the truth???

    Do you always have to get the last word in? Well I am done feeding your need for confrontation. :popcorn:
  7. Dbleichner

    Is Something suddenly wrong with telling the truth???

    You said that you want to know the truth even if it is so brutal that it hurts. If you didn't want people forming opinions about your personal life you should have never brought it up. I never made any negative remarks about your ex or you. Just stated that the quote you used is one of the...
  8. Dbleichner

    Is Something suddenly wrong with telling the truth???

    You wanted honesty, don't ask if you don't want to hear. This is exactly why people don't always need to hear the truth. :popcorn:
  9. Dbleichner

    Is Something suddenly wrong with telling the truth???

    I just read this and you said that you never lie and then I got to the bottom and it says that every time you did lie it caused more problems I don't understand where you were going with this. Does this mean you were lieing about not lieing...... You guys said you wanted brutal honesty...
  10. Dbleichner

    This video scares the crap out of me.

    I see a dog that was been poorly raised, I don't believe that this dog deserves to be put down because of it. It's hard to judge this video because we don't know what other methods have been used. Once a dog gets set into a certain behavior it's hard to get him/her to change and almost...
  11. Dbleichner

    Apartment barker= I will loose him

    If there is any chance that dogs use barking as a form of communication then debarking a dog is inhumane
  12. Dbleichner

    Roll Back

    Do not worry I will show you and you will be amazed
  13. Dbleichner

    I want a happy meal :'-(

    I want a happy meal :'-(
  14. Dbleichner

    Roll Back

    I final got my bost/lab Bear to roll over in both directions. First I tried to get her to respond to hand movements and just saying roll over. That didn't work because when she herd roll over she automatically rolled to the left every time. I read a book that said if your dog doesn't...
  15. Dbleichner

    Monster Chewer

    We have been spending a lot more time on training, it seems to be calming Bear down a lot. I just think she needed more mental stimulant.
  16. Dbleichner


    No but I used to have one. Don't really like there personality, too independent for my liking :popcorn:
  17. Dbleichner

    Monster Chewer

    I know the mother was the Boston terrier. She is a very beautiful dog but she is too smart for her own good sometimes. :popcorn:
  18. Dbleichner

    Monster Chewer

    Thanks, :D I had know idea that the kongs were color coded. I did try one of those toys were the dogs has to knock it with her nose to get a treat to fall out of a small hole in the top. Bear chewed a giant hole in one of the sides and got to the treats. I want to try this toy called tug...
  19. Dbleichner

    Monster Chewer

    I have a Boston/Lab mix that destroyed every last chew toy I have ever bought her. I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations on chew toys or other things that would keep her busy? So she stops chewing on the walls, floor trim and other household items. Other Info: She is exercised...
  20. Dbleichner


    I can't get rid of my dogs fleas