Search results

  1. K

    Dalmatian pictures

  2. K

    Help Rockyspot Rescue!

    Care2 is holding a contest - basically, the rescue that gets the most votes will win $10k. There's a Dal rescue in Oklahoma, Rockyspot Rescue, that could really use the funds. They rescue both Dals and non-Dals, btw. :) Several Dal people are trying to get votes for them, and I would really...
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    Captions needed!

    My husband is entering a caption contest and needs ideas (the prize is a signed copy of the picture). Anyone have any clever suggestions? Here's the picture that needs a caption:
  4. K

    Happy Holi-dals

    Grady posing for Christmas photos.
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    Is Goblin part cat?

    Thankfully, he's only done this once (and I learned my lesson - do NOT tell Goblin to "Get that squirrel!").
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    Drawing of Goblin

    This is a drawing of my dog Goblin, done in about 5 minutes by DogstarAcademy.