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  1. Nannuck

    Storm scared Dog

    My stage IV Agility Trained Shih Tzu has recently decided for some reason that she is scared of thunder, lightning and rain. Honestly, there was no "exact" moment that would of set this in so I'm at a loss. Now, when it even rains but definately worse when it's thunder and lightning she runs...
  2. Nannuck

    Shih Tzu with upset tummy

    My shih tzu (18lbs) started having an upset stomach late Friday night (middle of the night). She has gotten worse and then better. I believe this is a result of her eating a few drops of Muffin Batter from the floor with blueberries in it but am not 100% sure. My vet called in some...
  3. Nannuck

    Dog food for active Shih Tzu

    I have an active 2 1/2 year old Shih Tzu. She does agility 4 and keeps me on my toes. But we do have our "down Days". Recently I posted a thread about her having some "tummy" issues and her liver enzymes being elevated etc. We'll she got better but we are retesting her enzymes to make sure...
  4. Nannuck

    Shih Tzu with Elevated Liver enzymes

    This morning Lovie starting vomiting non stop about 8 times at home, then twice in the car. After talking to the vet we figured out that she might of eaten one of the "lawn" mushrooms that are in our yard. They feed off of "Tree stumps, old mulch and animal waste".. It's the only thing we can...
  5. Nannuck

    Wondering about the quality of life for my cat

    I'm wondering about the quality of life for my 4 yr old cat. I have a shih tzu and 2 cats. My dog is 2 and is great. My oldest cat is almost 9 years old this year. My other cat that I'm worried about is 4yrs old. He has spent most of his life on "Kitty Prozac" b/c of inappropriate urination in...
  6. Nannuck

    My dog had mucus around her stool today

    Today my dog deficated and when I went to pick it up (at the park) I noticed a film around one of the 3 stools. It looked like Jelly Mucus. What was this? She has been acting fine however something that has been going on for the last month or so (and not every night). She'll wake up from a dead...
  7. Nannuck

    Nutro Herring Dog Food

    I switched my shih tzu to Nutro Herring & Potato canned and dry combo. Her breathe smells! Is this normal for this type of food or is there something she can take that will make it smell better? What other types of food are good for Shih tzu that have canned and dry?
  8. Nannuck

    Eating Poop

    Ok, so what makes a dog eat poop? Cat poop and it's own poop! I have a 1 year old Shih Tzu that just keeps doing it. I pull her away from it. She's 100% trained too. I almost washed her mouth out with soap last night! I have even given her those pills to make it taste bad. Any suggestions? Is...
  9. Nannuck

    How do you retrain a shih tzu to not sleep on your bed

    I have a 1 year old Shih Tzu that has always slept with me in my bed. We'll I now have someone in my life and Lovie doesn't get it. She refuses to sleep on the floor or her many dog beds or crate. She crys non stop and wines. We put her in the bed but then she constantely moves around like it's...