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  • he rubbed me the wrong way big time. I'm not into that macho crap he used to push about how badass his dog was and how badass he was. Plus the whole American sucks implied attitude he would project in his little comments. It must be better than "old country" if you're still here!
    "Excuse me Mr. Milan, but my fila won't allow visitors to take toys and food out of her mouth. Can you show me the proper way to teach her that I am alpha and she needs to let them?"

    How likely is it that the visit would end in Karma doing a frontal assault while Bimmer does a sneak attack on his rear?
    Just had a thought Renee. If everyone on Chaz took up a collection to pay the costs, would you consider scheduling an appointment with Barkbusters and videotaping it for Chaz amusement? *bats eyelashes* Pretty please? [IMG]
    You are most welcome to use that drawing for a title block! Do you need an e-mail or something granting specific permission?
    Thank You Mom

    (((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))) Love you. I hope they do. I am moving closer to you now. :D
    Thanks Renee!! I don't really have a camera worth taking pictures with at the moment. Maybe when Sizzle comes to visit we can get some good ones.
    I did NOT miss it! hahahaha..........matter of fact, when I highlighted, I some how dragged it and it auto googled for me :eek: :rofl1:
    Even my Mom has said that Missy looks older - she even tried to say that she thinks she had a seizure the other day... She's been acting "strange" and my Mom thinks she's older than we all thought. I told her that she may be depressed, or pinning but of course I'm wrong :rolleyes:
    Missy is a weekend warrior - we go places, hiking and walks, and of course lay around and watch TV, too. But I think she's gotten two or three walks during the week since I moved out :o Maybe more, if my Mom can guilt my brother into doing it.
    :) Hey, thanks for thinking about me. I'm doing pretty well - VERY busy with the rescue!! I've got two 8wk old pups right now, one is getting adopted this afternoon.
    I've been kid -er- dognapping Missy on the weekends, even though I have WAY too many dogs in the house when I do.
    Its worth it ;)
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