Recent content by wildlola

  1. W

    Taking dog on vacation- accommodation help!

    Hello! I am starting to plan a vacation with my family for in a couple months time, and we plan on taking our dog with us. We want to rent a house somewhere, for a two weeks or so. We have never taken our dog on vacation with us, and I' not sure how to go about looking somewhere to stay-...
  2. W

    You can't train enthusiam

    I don't know that I agree with that trainer, but I do think some dogs just aren't as enthusiastic or 'motivated' as others... dogs have personalities just like humans and this can obviously vary a lot from dog to dog. But also although they can have different dispositions, I do believe that the...
  3. W

    Your Dogs Name: Why You Chose The Dog Name You Did

    We didn't actually choose our dog's name- he came with it. We bought him from a woman who breeds dogs continuously, and she goes through the alphabet every time one of her dogs gives birth. My dog happened to be born on the 'O', so his name (oskar) as well as all of his siblings names begin with...
  4. W

    How long are your dogs home alone?

    I don't think it's right that dogs should be alone for 8 hours a day or more! It's not good for them, they get no stimulation and they are bored to death with no one around. I understand if the owners have to work, but it breaks my heart to think of these pets all alone for so long