Recent content by theedoghouse

  1. T

    crate training problems::HELP PLZ!!

    Def take the blankets and bedding out of there. One of my dogs would mess in her crate with blankets in there, since she could just ball them up and lie on a non messed spot, Plus, unless you are certain that she doesn't chew on her bedding, you don't want that in there anyway. A friend of...
  2. T

    Breed guesses?

    Dad was an Indiana Shade Lounger. :) In all seriousness, your baby is looking an awful lot like a hound-type dog and not too much sheltie! So maybe some kind of Foxhound or Harrier type hound that has the longer legs to give Scooter her height.
  3. T

    Feds Raid Dog Fighting Facility

    Ok, I better put on my flame retardent suit, cause I'm feeling the burn that is about to come! I just want to make it VERY clear that I am very much so anti-dog fights, that I love the bullies, and owned two American Pit Bull Terriers that my ex-husband got in the dividing of the things. So...
  4. T

    Puppy Fur Thinning Out

    Even when puppies blow their coats, its normally not enough to cause bald spots. I would def say that flea alleragies may be the cause. 99% of flea and tick shampoos just kill whats on the dog and doesn't prevent anymore from hopping back on. Start using the preventive, see if that helps...
  5. T

    dog smells like a septic tank

    I loooooove using Dawn, esp on those greasy little yorkies and greasy cocker ears. But another real good destinkifer is using a rinse made of vinegar and water (1 to 1 parts). Leave it on for about 10 minutes (keep your dog from licking it off!) and then rinse, follow up with a shampoo. And...
  6. T

    Having a Brain Fart on Snap on Combs.

    1 comb leaves about 3/4 inch. #1.5 leaves about 5/8 of an inch, and a #2 leaves about 3/8 of an inch. the longer comb sets are more varied by who makes them. for example, a Romani C comb leaves about 13/16 of an inch, while a Laube C comb leaves 1 1/2 inches. but the 1, 1.5, and 2 combs are...