Recent content by pafla

  1. P

    Goals for 2009

    Tea Go to exam for rally-o level two-and compete on this level Go to BGH-2 exam -obedience Go to GH exam-obedience Go to A1-exam-obedience Rea Go to exam for rally-o level two-and compete on this level Go to BGH-1 exam -obedience Go to A1-exam-obedience Grej...
  2. P

    People with multiple dogs...

    It depends on a lot off things.Some off them are age,temperament,breed of dogs,do you care alone for them or have help,is the rest of household supportive or not,how much free time you have,money,do you live in house or flat, what do you use your dogs for-competitions,work,pets... For me...
  3. P

    Multiple Dog Owner Rant

    The best you can do is to not pay attention to people who say things like that.Explaining usually does not work.What usually works for me is telling them that it is my life and my choice and to bug off.Polite but strict enough that they never ever try that line of talking with me.I never met...
  4. P

    Expanding on target training

    For table I am really not sure how to teach it in agility-my dogs know this from rally obedience.But for contacts the way it was explained to as(I am just trying to teach this my young dog) is target is at least if talk about targeting with front legs connected to running contacts.You first need...
  5. P

    Agility and dogs that are afraid of loud noises

    Thank you all for great advices,but Rea is not going to do agility anymore.She was limping for last couple of weeks-she had a run in with the tree in park:rolleyes:.The vet claimed that she needs rest.We cut down all exercise.It helped she stopped limping.But she still showed signs of pain when...
  6. P

    Pre Agility exercises/training

    I started training agility with my new dog a couple of months ago in puppy classes and this is some of things we do. Circles-it means running with your dog on your left and right side inner or outer circles.You start with motive-food-toy and fade it until dogs learns to do without motive this...
  7. P

    Agility and dogs that are afraid of loud noises

    Thank you all for great advices.I will try this with her and see if it will help. Regarding to her wanting to be close to me-I trained for two years obedience with her,and still do.She is a lot better then before.I think we had the worst circles you ever saw.It went like this-Rea takes a...
  8. P

    Agility and dogs that are afraid of loud noises

    I do agility with Rea for a year.She is not the greatest dog for this.She does not accept toys as reward only food.She is not very motivated-she runs a lot faster in park after a ball then in agility.Still she likes it,and is happy when we do agility.We were at are first competition a couple of...
  9. P

    Should I take her to agility class?

    Our agility class started two weeks ago.We are really having fun in classes:p.It is twice a week and lasts for three months.We also had luck with time of training it is imediately after obedience training with Tea so I just change dogs.This way I am still only two days a week in club. Thanks to...
  10. P

    pictures of us - add your own :)

    No boyfriend but this picture was taken two weeks ago and I really love it.And redheads rock.I am always between my naturale brown and any possible shade of red-chestnut,fire-red,strawberry red you name it I simply love red.
  11. P

    Should I take her to agility class?

    I know it is addictive.But I am a bit of a worrier.I sort of imagine the worst possible outcome and usually that is actually a plus-because the worst possible outcome is often worth a risk.But when it comes to this I am not so sure.She isnt overweight but just a right weight.I bought a book...
  12. P

    Should I take her to agility class?

    I allways wanted to do agility with my dogs but I didnt have conditions to do so.Rea is now 5.5 years old.She passed basic obedience classes and for last 8 months I train rally obedience and competative obedience with her and my other girl.She likes obedience exercies but goes nuts when we do...
  13. P

    Are there still GSD breeders...

    Most GSD owned by army-police in Croatia look like that.Germany also has some working lines that look similar to that GSD.And yes the only GSD this days that I would consider owning would be from working lines and breed to look like that.
  14. P

    Seeing More Border Collie - Not liking It.

    They are gaining popularity in Croatia to.First border was imported some ten years ago and a couple of years back they were almost unknown.I meet them in park since one of two breeders in Croatia live close by,he also works in same club as I.I noticed that recently there is a lot of them in...
  15. P

    Training -behavior advice

    I dont keep dogs on-leash in woods.Long line wasnt successful with her-when she is on long line she doesnt move away from me.Since she doesnt go to chase I cant correct her.She is very soft dog for corrections and long line was used during second level of basic obedience for teaching stop.I...