Recent content by Liza

  1. Liza

    How to get your dog to stop jumping up

    Keeda gets a knee-bump to the chest when she jumps and no pats until she settles down. She rarely does it now.
  2. Liza

    Free dog site directory at 1 Fit Mutt

    Hi guys, I just thought I'd let you know that I just finished creating a dog site/business directory on Dog Fitness | Dog Exercise 1 Fit Mutt and am now ready to start processing submissions and adding links to the site. So if you'd like to get your site listed (it's free), head over to Dog...
  3. Liza

    Haves and have nots?

    I think there are too many factors to consider. Personally, I think that what we believe persists. I believe that creativity, motivation, and KNOWING that you can and will be successful play a HUGE role in your success in anything in life.
  4. Liza

    Slim in 6 [weeks]

    Good luck!
  5. Liza

    Dragon Age: Origins

    Totally finding out more about this and trying it, thanks!
  6. Liza

    Best. Horse-for-sale ad. Ever.

    Hahahah I would so buy him
  7. Liza

    Email Inbox... OCD?

    I am ashamed to say that I have over 1000 unopened emails at all times :S
  8. Liza

    Dream vacation

    Living my life the way I want is my dream vacation. In my opinion whoever invented the 9-5 should be shot (not literally of course). My goal in life is to be able to do the things I want when I want. I don't want to tailor my 'vacations' or my free time to my work, I want my work to compliment...
  9. Liza

    May I brag? Just for a second?

    Wow that's great, congratulations!!!
  10. Liza

    Code Writing? Droid Platform/OS?

    You tend to either love Windows Mobile or hate it. I'm on the 'hate it' side, but it's just not the OS for me. I'm sure it's great for others. I have an iPhone and it's the best phone I've ever purchased. I used to be a phone junkie, wanting a new phone every couple of months. The iPhone...
  11. Liza

    Look good or Feel good?

    When I was younger I used to always just go for "feel good". I scoffed on the "look good" people. But now I've learned the value of looking good AND feeling good. Feeling like I look good makes me feel good as well! I think I've found a nice balance, although when I'm going out clubbing or...
  12. Liza

    Code Writing? Droid Platform/OS?

    Hi! I remember reading about the Sidekick fiasco on Engadget and Gizmodo. In terms of code writing - from what I remember the Motorola Droid runs Google's Android OS. Remember that this isn't the only OS you can write your own apps for - Palm's Web OS and the iPhone OS also allow you to...
  13. Liza

    health of chihuahua

    Regardless of whether or not you got your Chihuahua from a reputable breeder, I recently wrote an article about Chihuahua fitness. Check it out if you're still looking for people to contribute info.
  14. Liza

    define love

    :( I know exactly what you mean.
  15. Liza

    Booty Booty Booty Everywhere!!

    Tell me how it goes! I'm very curious now. I wonder if you can run and get the same benefit with these, or if you have to walk. I love to run and have gotten great results from that, but I'd love to firm up my butt some more :D