Recent content by LittleBigDog

  1. L

    Harbin, China dog lovers blind-sided by 'dangerous dog' ban gone wrong

    They thought the ban would be breed-specific and that their dogs' breeds would not be included. Harbin ban on big dogs stirs up howls of protest By Tian Xuefei and Zhou Huiying (China Daily) 08:56, April 19, 2012 Goldie wears S.O.S. sign reading "Boycott Harbin dog ban policy" on a...
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    Flying with dogs, Fukushima This work is part of the Strong Children Japan project: I've been following Geoff's blog. He finally left the Fukushima region in July due to concerns for the health of his 4-yr-old son...
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    Fukushima pets in no-go zone face harsh winter
  4. L

    Dogs assist in mountain lion capture/release

    There's not much information about the dogs in the article, but the slideshow has photos of them. I think I've seen this breed working in bear control, but I'm not sure. Mountain lion captured near Enumclaw released into wild | Seattle
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    Daring Rescue By Three Women Saves Dogs Thrown From Car

    This is a story from last November, but it's a good one. Women Act Quickly To Save Dogs Thrown From Car - Pittsburgh News Story - WTAE Pittsburgh Daring Rescue Saves Dogs Thrown From Car - Video - KHBS NW Arkansas
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    Illinois Teen Dies Trying to Save Dog From Being Put Down

    There's more about the girl that died here. It sounds like there was really no way this could have been prevented. (Except I guess by not ever loving anything.) It was just one of those sudden grief reactions. Funeral held for Gurnee crash victim -
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    Dog becomes Mascot of Greek Protests

    Very interesting story. The dog does seem to be on the protesters' side. Amazing that if police shot and killed a 15-yr-old in 2008, that the dog has fared so well.
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    Seattle dog's death in a fire a reminder to clean dryer vents

    Fire department confirms build-up of dryer lint to blame for Greenwood house fire that killed dog
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    Illinois Teen Dies Trying to Save Dog From Being Put Down

    Caution - this is a very tragic story. I don't know what could have been done to prevent this, but maybe it will do some good to alert parents to how intense children's grief can be over the loss of a dog and to be sure to hold off on euthanasia until the child can be counseled into...
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    Dying wish granted: Homeless man reunited with dog

    I was wondering if 'Yurt' was the way it was spelled. The new owners seem like terrific people and I'm sure it was a great comfort for the original owner to know Yurt is in good hands. :)
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    Cat Island's residents trying to survive after Japan's earthquake

    This thread has many other post-earthquake animal stories, but posts #16, #21, #23 are about Cat Island. There is a fund-raising effort for cat food going on in Japan, but I don't know of anything on an international level. Animal life - FluTrackers
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    Woman dies with dog in her arms during tornado

    This is a very sad story, too. Concord man 21st victim of April tornadoes in Jefferson | They did everything as right as they could and were in the tub with the dog crated, but when you take a direct hit, only storm shelter can save you. They upgraded one of the Alabama tornadoes...
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    Dying wish granted: Homeless man reunited with dog

    Dying wish granted: Homeless man reunited with dog | Washington - Oregon - Idaho
  14. L

    Deaf dog adopted by Missouri School for the Deaf

    Deaf dog adopted by school for the deaf | "He's a little dog showing we all have a place when we listen not with our ears but with our heart."
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    Chinese Animal Activists Save Dogs from Slaughterhouse

    I think the more that dogs are integrated into being family members in a culture, the less comfortable consuming them gets to be. Dogs are becoming so popular as pets in China that the government is instituting a "one-dog" policy. We'll see how that goes. Shanghai's One-Dog Policy More Bark...