Recent content by HugABull

  1. HugABull

    Cocker with natural tail

    Good thing I never insulted anyone then. Only the fact that my reasonable opinion is being flamed. So please, don't post anymore internet lingo.
  2. HugABull

    You know what breed I'd like to see a bit more often?

    I, too, am a huge fan of the reds, but the fawns are also just as beautiful. Erm, and the blues...and the blacks. :p
  3. HugABull

    The Daily Question

    What question, regarding your dog(s), do you ask yourself everyday, without fail? My question: Why must you move from your own bed to mine, right on my legs, every morning at 5 AM? :confused: I'm interested to see the answers! :popcorn:
  4. HugABull

    Scandal Pics

    Tenacious! How adorable.
  5. HugABull

    Cocker with natural tail

    As for the different jobs comment...I specifically use groups as an example. Meaning, they have the same jobs. So, no, that argument against my post makes no sense, sorry. No sense in getting snotty, talking nonsense about magic hats, just because you do not share my viewpoint. That's rather...
  6. HugABull

    Cocker with natural tail

    As I said, that article is not their story. If you read, I bet you'd see that.;)
  7. HugABull

    Cocker with natural tail

    That is why I expect it to be dismissed. Because it is an organization, and for some reason, even the most trusted are rarely trusted. As if someone sat there and made it all up just for the sake of 'proving' a point. Anywho, I have had undocked herding breeds and hunting dogs who have...
  8. HugABull

    Cocker with natural tail

    I have seen the photos of damaged tails. However, they are not higher than the number of undamaged tails. If they were, every dog with a tail would be docked. No hounds would have tails, Pointers would never have tails, especially spindley tailed English Pointers. It's not logical, and I do not...
  9. HugABull

    Cocker with natural tail

    Just to add, it does well to note that there are breeds that are not docked that have identical tail styles and sets (as well as fringe if you're trying to use that argument) with no more injuries reported than undocked dogs of traditionally docked breeds. It's just not a sound argument. Simple...
  10. HugABull

    Cocker with natural tail Actually quite a bit on that site all together that is rather interesting. But, I'm sure you will probably dismiss it because just so happens to be a site against docking. I also have proof in my own experiences, but I doubt that would be...
  11. HugABull

    Another Day at the River

    She's just gorgeous. Tollers make such beautiful puppies. And those pictures of her in the water are awesome, something about puppies in the water I guess, hehe.
  12. HugABull

    Gettin' it ready!

    That's an awesome job you've done. It's so nice to see someone who is that dedicated.
  13. HugABull

    Strangest pet you've seen?

    What's the strangest pet you've seen? For me, it's a Tamandua (a type of anteater). I've also spoken with a breeder of kangaroos and wallabies, but wallabies are getting more popular. Please, don't turn this into a flame on people who own exotic pets. It's just not nice and never turns...
  14. HugABull

    Cocker with natural tail

    I am asking, but you're not really answering. Dogs cannot have docked tails in Germany. Does that means that the JRT's there are worthless? Are people there ruining the dogs by letting them work with tails? Is it really necessary to say they are putting their dogs in danger? I never, EVER said...