Recent content by homelessdog

  1. homelessdog

    Alpha Rolls

    It was a year and a half ago that I post this topic, and I see it's been bumped back up, however the original question was never answered. But, I was able to answer it myself when I read Cesar Millan's book, Cesar's Way, and he does in fact advocate the use of the "alpha roll" in extreme...
  2. homelessdog

    Cesar Milan - cult?

    I'm a little late replying to this thread... but I'm not an active member of this board. I just happened to get an email alert from an old thread I posted in and surfed around a bit and saw this thread. I just wanted to point out a few incorrect points I saw in this thread. 1. Cesar does...
  3. homelessdog

    Starting Foster Dogs

    I foster through our local animal shelter. I pick the dog from their shelter, take it home, it stays with me and I bring it to adoption events twice a week. I work on training them and correcting any behavior problems, and the shelter pays all medical costs and provides food.
  4. homelessdog

    Need to get this off my chest.

    PETA has released false information in the past and they continue to do so, so it's hard to trust them. You may think they have more to lose by lying, but they see it as more publicity.
  5. homelessdog

    Need to get this off my chest.

    Well, that's half the story. The other half: Even though I'm a vegetarian and like some of PETA's information, you always have to take their information with a grain of salt and try to discover the facts about the situation before making up your mind. So read...
  6. homelessdog

    i thought the kennels were there to do a good job?

    It's possible that you might not be getting the whole story. I would call the kennel (?) and ask them what the situation was. It seems odd that they would turn down one couple for being unmarried (how strange!) and approve another unmarried couple if that truly was the only reason. As for the...
  7. homelessdog

    Poop Issues >.>

    I would say the same advice still applies that I posted above. Also make sure you're not leaving food down for him at all times. If you're feeding him twice a day at specific times you'll know better about when he will be needing to go to the bathroom and can pick it up right afterwards...
  8. homelessdog

    "People Training For Dogs" DVD

    I just noticed that Cesar Millan's DVD "People Training For Dogs" is out now. Was wondering if anyone has seen the video and what you thought of it? Cesar Millan is the Dog Whisperer guy with a show on the National Geographics Channel >
  9. homelessdog

    Poop Issues >.>

    Why is he pooping in his living area? I would change the area that he's supposed to go to be somewhere that he doesn't play; like outside? Also make sure he's not playing with his poop because he's bored. I assume he's confined to the kitchen only when you're gone? When you leave, make...
  10. homelessdog

    Agility, Do we do it?

    My foster dog starts Agility classes tomorrow. Wish me luck. :D
  11. homelessdog

    My dogs are bumming me out

    Sometimes you just don't have a choice. You can't very well get rid of a dog that you've committed to, so keeping them seperate is sometimes the only option you're left with.
  12. homelessdog

    2 agressive pups ruin 3 weeks training with Buster - I'm furious

    Ah okay. Sounds like your doing the best you can then. You'll start seeing improvements.
  13. homelessdog

    First day of Halti training for Gunnar

    I love my halti, and my dogs get excited when they see it now because they know it means they either get to go for a walk or it's training time (aka treat time for them). But, it's usually not recommended to walk the dog with the Halti (or gentle leader) on until they've gotten used to it...
  14. homelessdog

    My dogs are bumming me out

    I didn't realize these were outside dogs. One thing I've gathered from the aggression books I've read is that dogs who are allowed to stay outside on their own quickly teach themselves that aggression works. Aggression is self-reinforcing, so you're going to be fighting an uphill battle unless...
  15. homelessdog

    2 agressive pups ruin 3 weeks training with Buster - I'm furious

    Sorry to hear about that. It's a setback, but only temporary. He won't forget everything you've taught him. Unfortunately, stuff happens that we can't control. : ( Are you able to walk your dogs in a different area? Perhaps even driving past that house before starting your walk if...