Recent content by hey_jude

  1. hey_jude

    Chaz Moms and Moms-to-Be Chat (everyone welcome)

    Haha thank you! :) I know- I figured a big update was needed as my life is completely different than it used to be! :) How time flies- feels like I just got my Judey Nate yesterday!
  2. hey_jude

    Unitarian Universalist?

    This is the kind of church I love most :) For the belief system and liberal approach. The only problem is I HATE the music. All the UU churches near us only sing hymns- very old fashioned. I'd love to find a UU church with the philosophies I so love- but the more upbeat modern music. Music for...
  3. hey_jude

    Baby names!!!

    Sorry to Erin and Hayley who have to hear me ramble about names all the time on a daily basis hah! :) We have a super super solid girls name list that we are in LOVE with. Will not choose a name until we know if it's a girl- and then we'll probably choose right away ;) Girls list...
  4. hey_jude

    Baby names!!!

    I LOVE Jane. I love June too (a little more) but love both. So classic and rarely used- with cute nicknames for when they're little.
  5. hey_jude

    Baby names!!!

    Ruth was our second choice for DD Lucy (otw- adopting from Ethiopia). We loved Ruth/Ruthie- but ended up choosing Lucille/Lucy. And obviously I love Judah... since dog is Jude. Sometimes I kick myself for using it for Jude because I love it for a baby.
  6. hey_jude

    Chaz Moms and Moms-to-Be Chat (everyone welcome)

    Whoops... why is that so wide? Any way for me to fix it?
  7. hey_jude

    Chaz Moms and Moms-to-Be Chat (everyone welcome)

    It has been so long since I've really been on here but talking to a bunch of you Chazers lately (it seems like a lot of us have JUST hit the family planning part of life) and it's nice to be in a similar place as so many people. I have a lot of friends who are well into their family lives and...
  8. hey_jude

    Chaz Moms and Moms-to-Be Chat (everyone welcome)

    I accept definitely some hair!! haha part of life! :) But I guess I just hate how MUCH there is. I never have had the shedding thing under control. I also cut chicken out of their life as they shed worse on it I find- but they still shed a ton!!! I feel discouraged!! :(
  9. hey_jude

    Chaz Moms and Moms-to-Be Chat (everyone welcome)

    Jessie- I think BG will be great! For some reason it's not what I went with- but I know they're definitely most popular! Are free times and elementals pockets or AIOs? Okay so guys- I had 3 babies in my house today (made them all wear my cloth diapers and wool covers while I wait to get my...
  10. hey_jude

    Chaz Moms and Moms-to-Be Chat (everyone welcome)

    Oh gosh I'm such a snaps fan. They stay in such better condition long term based on everything I have seen and what all my friends say- and I think they look nicer :P Plus you don't have to prepare them as perfectly for the wash. But I know a lot of people like aplix!
  11. hey_jude

    Chaz Moms and Moms-to-Be Chat (everyone welcome)

    Too funny- everyone I know loves their diaper laundry for some reason! It makes sense to me- because I love my cloth napkin, cloth paper towels, cloth TP laundry- but hate ALL other laundry. What brand are you leaning towards Jessie?
  12. hey_jude

    Chaz Moms and Moms-to-Be Chat (everyone welcome)

    Wool for daytime and fleece for bedtime I think! :) Pretty pretty gorgeous addicting wool (sloomb - mostly under woolies or base woolies) that is pricey and annoying to care for- but I am addicted for how gorgeous it is and how it's so natural. Cheap fleece covers for bedtime since she'll just...
  13. hey_jude

    Chaz Moms and Moms-to-Be Chat (everyone welcome)

    Ps. Jessie if you have any questions about CDing- I seriously went NUTS with the research! :) PM me any time on FB. CD moms love to talk diapers with other CD moms hah!!
  14. hey_jude

    Chaz Moms and Moms-to-Be Chat (everyone welcome)

    And one more thing- it's INSANE! Of my friends who are having babies right now- none of them particularly crunchy- of the 10 or so I know- about 7 are planning to CD. These are friends from all walks of life- not just one group. Times are a-changing- and I'm psyched about it! :)
  15. hey_jude

    Chaz Moms and Moms-to-Be Chat (everyone welcome)

    I haven't been around in forever- but I heard there is a group of moms to be here now (I remember when we were all much younger and not even considering kids- crazy!) and so I'm also expecting (adopting a baby girl from Ethiopia) I wanted to chime in! I went with cloth diapers for baby on the...