Recent content by garyluer

  1. Ben


    Gentle Ben is a loving part of our family. 6 year old Newfoundland/Border Collile mix.
  2. G

    Real KANGAL dogs from Turkey

    When in the army I was in Turkey (Ankara) for 3 years. Those dogs are magnificent and they were bred to guard herds of sheep from marauding wolf packs. They do a good job too. I've spent a lot of time in villages all around Turkey and the locals treat these dogs, not as pets, but as tools for...
  3. G

    grooming with the vaccuum!

    I do it on Ben all the time. Still sheds a lot though.
  4. G

    PICS. Just shaved my dog. is he too thin?

    Way to thin. His ribs are showing. Keep him out of the sun. Shaved that close he's bound to burn. Dumb thing to do imo!
  5. G


    My dog has "sensitive" bowels according to our vet and can't tollerate much fat in his diet otherwise he gets "the trots." Doesn't seem to bother him but I limit is fat intake as much as possible.
  6. G

    Alpo and Mighty Dog voluntarily recalled

    I just got off the phone with Purina as I have two cases of "Prime Slices" with the same serial #'s as "Prime Cuts." They assure me that Prime Slices are not affected. I think I'll just mix up my own "wet food."
  7. G

    Face Lifts for dogs? Of course!

    Unbelievable! I could see pet plastic surgery for a dog who was deformed in some way but just to enhance the looks? Ridiculous. Why subject a pet to unnecessary pain.
  8. G

    How Time Flys!!!

    Beautiful dog!
  9. G

    New Year's Resolutions

    I'm too old to have any!
  10. G

    greetings and salutations

  11. G

    Off on the wrong foot

    There ya go! Exactly what I'm talking about. That's all that should be needed. We're on the same page here. As to Ebony's comments - I thought she was being a tad sarcastic is all and if she wasn't, my apologies.
  12. G

    Off on the wrong foot

    My guess is whoever beat her used "harsh" words when he/she did it and that's probably why she reacted the way she did - associating those "harsh" words with beatings. A firm "NO" is ample to get the point across is what I'm suggesting.
  13. G

    Off on the wrong foot

    OH PLEASE! I won't even dignify that with a reply!
  14. G

    Do you know a true pitbull?(GRAPHIC)

    I totally agree and I wonder if it's the name "PIT bull" that strikes fear in many hearts. I don't know much about them. Is that name recognized by the AKC or is it something fostered on those dogs by breeders? Wonderful AND educational video.
  15. G

    Off on the wrong foot

    Nothing but praise and a few dog cookies. Mostly praise when he obeyed and harsh words when he didn't. (both in the sit position). I've found that most dogs WANT to please and just need direction and encouragement. Of course this way takes more time but in the long run you'll have a more...