Recent content by Fleera

  1. Fleera

    Pics of my new guy

    He's beautiful, Chaospony! Love all of your photos too...
  2. Fleera

    Teeth Grinding

    I wish I knew. Though Jester does this, it's usually because he has a good ear scratch going. But it really sounds like he's breaking his teeth. Luckily he doesn't do it very often. I guess if he did it a lot, I might try to startle him just a bit, like a "hey you" poke on the hindquarters.
  3. Fleera

    Crate mats?

    We got a foam kitchen floor mat at Walmart and didn't even cut it to fit, though we could have. We just let it curl up the sides a bit. It is about 3/4 inch thick so is comfortable for him. We also add some type of other bedding for warmth. Love it as it's easy to clean and difficult for the...
  4. Fleera


    Eww, blech!! Sorry you went through that unknowingly, but thanks so for sharing!
  5. Fleera

    For those that have dogs who play dead...

    Jester does this when we say, "Bang," with our finger 'gun' pointed at him. He seems to do it in either direction as long as it doesn't have an obstacle. The longer you point, the longer he'll stay in position. [/IMG]
  6. Fleera

    Traveler Stands On Things

    The "Face" description you provided is pretty much right on!
  7. Fleera

    Dahlia goes "fishing"

    Great shots and beautiful doggie! My favorite has to be the blurry fish flying right towards her perfectly in focus expectant face.
  8. Fleera


    Thanks everyone! The mohawk was my husband's idea... I decided to oblige since I could just shave it off after the picture.
  9. Fleera

    Nothing Special

    Insane, or diabolically evil? Either way, definitely a fun shot.
  10. Fleera

    Aura the Annoyance

    That pic of Fudge jumping over the yellow flowers is just incredible! Great shot!
  11. Fleera


    Peanut butter! Nom, nom... Done.
  12. Fleera


  13. Fleera


    Starting off with long fur... Where is my food? Frog Dog In the middle of a shave Shave continued Mohawk More...
  14. Fleera

    New Puppy - Name?

    Going with the Olympic Gold theme: Medal Athens Torch
  15. Fleera

    Another shelter/rescue breed guess...

    Definitely Dobe, the facial features as well as the coloring (light behind the legs and inner thighs, lighter muzzle, etc.). I had been looking at Toller 08's photos just yesterday and this one seems to be a good facial match: Have no idea what the rest of the mix is though. Very cool dog!