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  • Rip-off Report: Shoo-its Mountain Fila - Paul Schuetz Did not provide papers, Shipped puppy via plane at 4 weeks old, false vet documents, Undescended testicle Turtletown Tennessee
    Shoo-Its is where Jake got Buckshot. Fortunately, Jake got one of their *no temperament* dogs, and I'm sure being shipped at four weeks old didn't help either. It's a testament to Jake's care of Buckshot that he isn't an insane mess.
    It doesn't though. It gets Filas lumped in with the whole pit bull fiasco :eek: Not to mention it keeps up the myth of the 100 pound Pit Bull :eek: I guess seeing how hurt Tallulah is by all the fear and rejection has made me really sensitive to it. You wouldn't believe how fast such an outgoing, fearless little dog can shut down completely.
    Like the song says, "the world is full of stupid people . . . " If they don't know what it is, and it doesn't have long hair, it's a Pit Bull :wall:
    I am so sick of self-important, omnipotent idiots . . . Game-dogs is getting to be a breath of fresh air.

    And why is it the Brits like Dizzy stick around and the ones like Kase are AWOL? *sigh* Maybe Dizzy needs to be reminded that she doesn't have to worry about it since her idiot government already BANNED FILAS AS FIGHTING DOGS :wall: Yah. TRY and make a Pit fighter out of a Fila . . .

    Do me one favor, though? When someone calls Bella a Pit Bull? Tell them she's not :rofl1:
    Yah. I think I just gave them an example of the difference between ojeriza and AGGRESSION :rofl1:
    I don't know which is worse. The blogger or Dogstar :rolleyes: Both of 'em talking out of their asses about something they know nothing about.
    Hm. :(
    I'm going to do some digging tomorrow and see what I can find out, but I'm way past tired tonight so I'm going to check out and get some shut eye.

    Thank you so much for trying though, I really appreciate it!
    Um... visitor comments a while ago after I stopped seeing spam... and I dunno? I don't remember talking to yo on msn.. I'll add you. :D
    I'm not sure I know how to switch to mpg :/ The only other export method is for in Quicktime
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