no left-overs here!

again one from whoops litter, she has given us beautiful pups who by now have grone up to adorable dogs!
I know what kind of pup this is - the famous Chowhound :D
I can't believe I ate the whole thing!!
thanks for nice comment!
they sure adorable, so you have to be more aware to whom you sel the pups!we dont breed that much, keep intouch with all the owners
this one is also pictures as the big yellow boy asking for food! you can see he was hooked from the very start!http://www.silronray.tk
thanks for the lovely comments, and yes, the owner of "dodi" has recently mentioned he can eat without " taking a break" and there is not a lot (food!) what he doesnot like!
will try to put some more pics of this litter on this site soon!
thanks all for the nice comments!
at the moment busy with a litter of pups and setting up a rescuecenter for retrievers! unfortunately needed especially in summer! together with some other lab.breeders.
sorry if not answering your comment right away!
if send a private email i will also reply a.s.a.p.
kindest regards, sylvia

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Puppy Pictures
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sylvia liebrechts
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