Cujo is a Yorkshire Terrier with a big attitude! He is very lovable though, don't let his name intimidate you! Since he looked so delicate and small, we had to give him a big tough name...that was huge mistake! Now he acts like he rules the house, he's very demanding, and has one weird personality! But he's always our number one dog! Cujo likes to steal laundry, bite at your feet, and leave suprises. But he also loves to go for walks, cuddle, and take long naps on clean clothes. He was just black and a light brown as a puppy, but now that he's turned one, some of his coat is a shiny silver and light gold. He has little deep brown eyes that are almost like a teddy bear's. Cujo likes to go for lots of walks, he likes his toy, or his "dolly" as our family calls it. He also likes ropes and oven mits to chew on and play with. His treats, are called "cookies" and his sliced up hot dogs are called, "wenies". We've called them that ever since he was little, so he knows exactly what they are!
Cujo's funniest time was when we dressed him up in his devil costume for halloween! He actually stayed in it! It was kinda funny the way it looked, his head was so small we had to put the horns tied to his neck, and the cape was just a bit too long! We're still working on his santa costume!!
Yorkies are something else!
we have two little wonders......wonder where we'll find the next surprise!!!!
cute little baby!

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