
Someday I'll be that big

TD and Tobie
now there is a brave dog....Our cat gave the pups a spank when they went past. That cat must make two of the little dog. ARe they friends?
Thanks smkie
Yes they are friends I have very strange animals they all are great friends. I have 2 Jack Russell terriers and 2 cats one is a tailless polydactyl and the other is polydactyl but has a tail. I also have a Bearded Dragon. The cats and dogs will all play together and they all sleep together on the bed in one big pile. One of the cats and the lizard are best friends and they will sleep together too.
The real joke is that the Jack ALREADY thinks he's bigger than the cat . . . that Terrier ego, gotta love it! I like the wallpaper too, lol!

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Puppy Pictures
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