I Need Your Help - Especially My Kids

Jan 31, 2006
Never was bullied in school... but some of the stories on here are terrible:yikes:

But its also interesting to see that alot of those people (not all) who were bullied as kids turn their attention to doing the same thing to others even if they can only do it online.
Jan 31, 2006
Why do you say that?
Saje... if you were one of the people I was referring to you would know.

Some of the very people who posted in this thread that they had been bullied are the same ones who are sending me snarky PM's.

I am not trying to start anything... just saying that it is interesting that bullying appears to be a "cycle"... you get bullied somewhere and to deal with it you turn around and bully someone else that you somehow feel is weaker then you... (you as in the general sense, not talking to you Saje).

I would think with no experience here in the psychological world... that someone who had been bullied would be adverse to it and would make every attempt not to do it to others.


Island dweller
Dec 26, 2004
If you are being harrassed by PM you should report it. You frequently make comments about how much you don't like this forum. I wish you'd do something about it. Deal with the people that are bothering you. It's no fun seeing someone unhappy. Not for you or the people who have to read your comments.
Jan 31, 2006
If you are being harrassed by PM you should report it. You frequently make comments about how much you don't like this forum. I wish you'd do something about it. Deal with the people that are bothering you. It's no fun seeing someone unhappy. Not for you or the people who have to read your comments.
Saje... this is off Renee's original topic and I dont want to hijack her thread any longer... so i have PM'd you instead....Elissa


Chihuahua Mum
Nov 23, 2005
School was absolute hell for me. From start to finish. I was bullied, humiliated and even spat at by one girl. I was fortunate to have a few good friends around me, but they did nothing to help me with the bullying. I ended up switching highschools after the spitting incident and a guy saying something to me that I will never repeat, but trust me...it was unbelieveably awful.
It was mostly the fact that the snide remarks, humilation, pushing around and general lack of any respect (as if I wasn't human) was constant it wore me down and has effected my whole life.
I was quite out going, so my mother tells me, before I started school. But school (both primary and high) made me chronically shy and reclusive. I suffer depression, anxiety (mostly social) and I'm still very reclusive.

I don't hate those people who bullied me. I feel sorry for them. Hating them takes too much energy and they're not worth it.

I'm very fortunate to have good friends now and I know that I'm loved. I'm still suffering from being bullied but I'm getting much better. I decided a while back that I just had to move on from it. :)

However...I have to say that I have no respect for anyone who bullies. I do understand that it's often a defense mechanism though.

Oh and probably the worst problem was that when I was very very young I asked my mum how to stop people picking on me and she gave me the WORST advice ever which magnified the problem...she told me "Just ignore them". What happened was that I sat back and let them bully me, thinking they'd get sick of it if I didn't react and I let every word they said sink in. It's all now burned into my brain.
NEVER tell kids to ignore it. NEVER!!



I'd rather be at Disney
Jul 7, 2005
Lancaster, PA
Not trying to psycho analyze anyone or anything but the one thing I see in common with all the stories about people being bullied... is they never stood up against it. They just let it continue. Not that anyone is at fault... just an observation

I will most definitely teach Hannah to stand up for herself even if it's a hard thing to do. There is a reason bullies pick on the "weaker" kids... cause usually the bully themself is a weaker kid... no one stands up to them so they just keep going on and on. My experience shows me that ever bully I have ever encountered is usually running away with their tail between their legs if they are confronted.


Island dweller
Dec 26, 2004
Unless they are in a group and have support sparks. I stood up for myself many times but that doesn't always mean you come out on top. The fact that I had few friends made me vulnerable against cliques. It's not that easy.

You're so right about bullies though. They don't get enough positive reinforcement at home and take it out on others. Generally speaking of course.


Bored Now.
Dec 22, 2006
Denver, CO
I got bullied a LOT. My mom says it was because I'm pretty. I say it's because I'm different. (3rd grade translation.. "freeeek")

First it was because I was a "four eyes." God forbid that my eyes aren't perfect, LOL! I finally stopped that by telling them "no, six eyes" and when they'd call me that I'd go up and up until I got tired of it and then go back to correcting them that I was a four eyes. It wasn't very fun for the people who teased me, so they stopped. Then came the see-through backpack incident. Man, I thought it was cool to have a see-through plastic backpack. But my mom always insisted I bring an extra pair of underwear with me to school just in case... then I was the underwear girl. I wonder if anyone found that pair.. I think I dumped it down a drain. No more see-through back packs or 'just in case' underwear for me after that. :eek: I felt so awful. It was terribly embarrassing to be picked on for not only having my underwear with me, but for how it looked. Everyone assumed I peed my pants or something, and one kid just wouldn't let it go. I got reminded for so many months after that.

Fast forward to middle school. That was a nightmare. An absolute nightmare. Just.. terrible. We moved to a new place and I was shunted into 6th grade knowing absolutely no one. I'm terrible with names, and it took me till December to have all the names of my classmates when they knew who I was by the first week. Most of them had grown up together. SO many rumors were spread about me during my 6th and 7th year. All through my sixth I went home and cried.. I stopped doing a lot of my homework and watched TV or read all the time so I wouldn't have to think, so everything could just be drowned out. I was *never* without a book. I nearly missed my bus loads of times due to a lightning-fast library run where the librarians would have one behind the counter ready for me. Having a book in hand kept me from small talk and made me unapproachable. People got so used to it I was teased for reading in class (even when I got my work done.. geesh) and also teased when I didn't have a book. All kinds of rumors spread about me, and kids I didn't even know were in my grade rolled their eyes when I introduced myself and didn't want anything to do with me. I can understand a few, even a lot of people not liking me.. but when everyone did it was so overwhelming and terrifying, and most of all, hurtful. I didn't know any of these people, they didn't know me, and I hardly even said 10 words a day for goodness sake... the only time I talked was at home. And then we had my grandmother living with us, so home life was hell. I spent ALL my time huddled in my room avoiding her. (If you guys have ever seen Monster in Law, THAT was my grandma after he strokes. I had flashbacks when I saw the movie and could only watch 15 minutes of it before I turned it off--the movie's probably funny if you didn't spend a few years living it, and worse.)

I had one friend.. we were friends because of our mutual obsession with reading sci-fi/fantasy and how we were both outcast. I didn't know it till a few years later, but apparently he had a hopeless crush on me and was teased mercilessly for it. I wish I'd known, I would have made things easier for him. So I was teased about that, too. But it was his guy friends who really gave him hell. I saw him 2 years ago and he cringed when the topic came up, so I know those wounds were deep. They were horrible to him, not real friends at all. ETA: expanding on the sixth grade hell.. just to give you an idea of what I went through, I got picked on, especially by the girls, for everything under the sun, from my boot cut jeans and brown sneakers to my white cotton underwear. Girls I didn't know joined in on the teasing every day. Gym was terrible. Once a girl who I hardly even knew the name of was waving at me shouting something from the field. I waved back, wondering what on earth she was saying and kept playing. The next day she came in with popsicle sticks on her fingers and the entire school knew I had broken her finger. One of my teachers actually congratulated me on it, saying she was glad I'd gotten the kid back for all the nasty things Mrs Downs had overheard her saying about me. I repeat, I didn't know this girl. Barely knew her name. And this isn't the only incident like this. (That was the first one I told my mom about. She told the vice principal, he made her cry and admit it was all a lie, apologize to me and never speak of the incident or me again. She wasn't even allowed to talk to me for a year. He was a great vice principal)

In seventh grade people started accepting me.. I even had a *best* friend, Rachel, who I shared my diary with and told everything to. Long story short, she did a drastic 180 in the course of a week and turned all but one or two of my friends against me, and most of my acquaintances. I don't know whether she told them things about me or just made it "uncool" to be my friend (she came to our school new and made friends instantly, becoming super-popular and had her own following, if you will). That was.. devastating. I finally had friends and was being treated like a human being, for the first time in over a year and she ripped it all away with ease. I actually got UN-invited from birthday parties for a few months after.. again, the first birthday parties I'd gotten invited to since being in middle school. It sucked. Sucked doesn't even begin to cover it. I hated her. Really, truly hated. I was so depressed.. my friends had stopped calling and everything felt so bleak again, and I started playing computer games, watching TV, and reading all the time again. I faked sick to avoid school. I made myself sick to avoid school. (Don't tell my mother that, she still doesn't know.) I've never cut myself or deliberate hurt myself, but one day when I was moping about it I tasted blood.... I had ripped almost a square inch of skin off of my knuckle while chewing on it. There was blood everywhere. That day was kind of my turning point, where I saw what I was doing to myself. Yes, she did a hell of a lot of damage, but I had been doing even more.. so I picked myself back up and started again. Another edit. The bullying sucked that year. People would say some non sequitor to me and EVERYONE would start snickering at me. I was always being smirked at and shoved.. and later on that year someone told all the 6th graders some rumor about me, and they were actually scared of me.

Things have been a lot better since. I've had friends, some really good ones. No bullies that I can't deal with, even when a few have hit too close to home for comfort. Sorry if this was too long. It's still hard to talk about the Rachel-thing.

I don't even know why I was bullied. I fought back most of the time, at least to the obvious bullying. Didn't usually come out on top when it's me against a group of people, though. It's so hard to keep fighting when you have no support and you seem to lose the power to defend yourself, though.
Last edited:


Athletic Labs. They Exist
Dec 21, 2005
Not trying to psycho analyze anyone or anything but the one thing I see in common with all the stories about people being bullied... is they never stood up against it. They just let it continue. Not that anyone is at fault... just an observation

I will most definitely teach Hannah to stand up for herself even if it's a hard thing to do. There is a reason bullies pick on the "weaker" kids... cause usually the bully themself is a weaker kid... no one stands up to them so they just keep going on and on. My experience shows me that ever bully I have ever encountered is usually running away with their tail between their legs if they are confronted.
Well lets see every time I stood up for myself i had the following happen.

Had the **** beat out of me
Was laughed at
Oh yeah and was threatened with murder. By a boy who definately would have killed me if I had not been pulled out of that school.

No I didn't always run with my "tail tucked" but that doesent mean that got me anywhere. Some people will never stop.

Saje is right all situations are different.

Im not mad I have just heard that a million times from people. And some of them I just want to shake. Because standing up for myself got me hurt even worse.


Arbitrary and Capricious
Sep 3, 2007
Alexandria, VA
I was bullied ruthlessly. Girls often get bullied in different ways from girls, but I tended to get it from both sides.

When I was little, I got beaten up. On at least two occasions, other children stripped off my clothes and then when I ran to the teacher half garbed, I got in trouble.

As I got older, it turned into elaborate social torture from the girls. Mind games, fake letters from boys, snubbing . . . and I will got beaten up . . . though by one of the girls this time.

In high school, it was a death threat. . . then I surrounded myself with people who were both rather threatening and willing to accept me . . . and it turned out ok . . . at least if I ignored the comments.

And by the way, I did fight back. It just didn't do much good. I was clumsy, female, and often outnumbered. Words weren't much of a help. Running to the teacher, though it made it stop for a while, did not make me friends.

Perhaps its fortunate that I actually don't remember very much of it. I know it happened, but I have trouble envisioning many of the incidents.

The odd thing is, I don't blame the school, I certainly don't blame my parents. The school did what they could. They protected me . . . but they couldn't fix my social relations.

I was a very odd child. I was from a well-off family. But I had grown up in the country, and my playmates, for most of my life, were animals. Later on, I played with the animals by choice. My parents, to the extent it was their fault, felt popular culture was a waste of time. We didn't watch TV, except for the news and nature programs (I was allowed to watch cartoons) But the sitcoms and dramas that made up the other kids and their families' viewing were unknown to me. Same with music.

I was also an irredeemable nerd . . . interested in things like science and history . . I LIKED learning things.


Squishy face
May 18, 2006
Northern Virginia
Elementary school and middle school I was picked on. My first story takes place in '88 or '89. I was in first grade. There was a kid on the bus named Daniel who rode my bus who was, I think, in fifth grade. He used to say that he was going to come to my house and kill my parents, or that he had a gun and if I didn't run when I got off the bus he was going to shoot me. I rode the bus that year in terror. I cried to the bus driver about it once, but nothing was done. Can you imagine though, what would have happened if some kid was saying that stuff these days :yikes:.

During the rest of elementary school I was called fat and ugly (I was a chubby kid, but if you saw pics from when I was little, I was ADORABLE). Instead of cooties, it was "Cristy Germs" lol. Most of this stuff I kinda laugh at now. A kid threw a swing at my face on the playground, and it chipped my tooth and I got to go home early and eat ice cream. The kid wasn't trying to hurt me though, he was just being stupid. He got in lots of trouble, and they made him apologize to me.

In middle school, I was teased off and on. I made a few friends who were also freaks/geeks :p. There was one girl who confused me, she would be nice to me sometimes and mean to me sometimes. I never understood her. :confused:

High school for me was great! I had friends, and we had fun. In my HS, everyone pretty much left everyone to their own thing. I was offered weed in 9th grade, but other than that everything was cool.

Angel Chicken

I remembered something else last night...

Apparently, because I was poor, that meant I constantly had lice (in their book). One kid reported it to the principal, and if I remember correctly, the principal said the kid had said "He/she said you were so infested you could see them jumping out of your head."


Back of the Pack
Dec 19, 2006
Ottawa On
My experience shows me that ever bully I have ever encountered is usually running away with their tail between their legs if they are confronted.
Unfortunately that's really only accurate if you live in an after school special.
I found that every time I stood up to my bully I got it worse and more consecutively then when I just brushed it off and said oh well life goes on.
If I did nothing he'd trip me, laugh and continue on wherever he was going... if I stood up to him he'd toss me around a room for a while.
Anybody that stood up to him ended up with a bloody something or bruised something else.

Really only had any problems in about grade 7 and 8.

Funny thing was I met the guy years later when I was in college and he was out of jail at the time, we actually started hanging out now and again as he was friends from some of my friends and he actually appologized. He was still an idiot but I thought that was a pretty good thing to do.


Chihuahua Power!
Oct 3, 2006
Central Florida
I was never really "bullied" in school, so it's interesting to read all of the stories. I used to think that bullying was more so in movies and TV shows rather than in real life, because I never really saw anyone bullied when I was younger.

I remember one instance when I was teamed up on, though... when I was in 7th grade, I was in the "popular" clique in my middle school. I was really close friends with this girl named Carrie, and her other friend was jealous of our friendship. She made up a bunch of things I never said, and told Carrie about it. Carrie ended up believing her, and everyone in my little group thought I had really said that stuff about Carrie. Anyway, I realized they weren't "true" friends and I learned that "being popular" means nothing if you have to constantly watch your back.

I can't believe some of the bully stories I've been reading lately in the news, though... they're absolutely sickening. One that stands out is the one I posted up not too long ago... the one where the parents bullied the girl on Myspace, which eventually lead to suicide.


Walks into Mordor
Aug 12, 2005
Unfortunately that's really only accurate if you live in an after school special.
I agree. If it's only a bit of teasing, standing up for yourself can help. But to real bullies, it only makes it worse. They're trying to fish for a reaction, it makes it more fun for them.

I wasn't bullied in my school years. I wasn't one of the popular kids, but I did have a close group of friends. Some people did make the ocassional unkind comment or such about me, but not anything I would consider actual bullying. Just the usual school stuff. I actually enjoyed my school years. I guess I was lucky.


We are Home.
Oct 22, 2004
Tallahassee Florida
Fighting back didnt work for me. I ended up getting in alot of fights after that and all I succedded in was getting myself in trouble. They continued to fight me, I continued to get suspended and they thought it was fun. I thought it would end it but it didnt, they figured one of the times they would win and earn the respect back that they lost. Unfortunatly my dad taught me to fight and Im a farm girl. I fight better then most boys and have arms and legs of stone LOL.
May 29, 2006
I was never bullied as a kid. I wasn't popular by any means, but I had my own clique. We were pretty much the smart, artsy, non drinker group, lol. We never got bothered. My older brother on the other hand, was teased horribly. He had glasses and was a very self conscious kid to begin with. Plus the kids in my neighborhood were just pieces of crud. It wouldn't surprise me to hear that they're all in jail right now. One day he came home with a handful of his own hair that some 16 yr old girl ripped out of his head on the bus. He was maybe nine. They'd tease him, call him names, and push him around all the time. They never bothered me though and I still don't understand why. So school was pretty crappy for him until high school. Then he joined the misfit crowd and barely graduated from high school. Honesty, I think he'd be a totally different person now if he hadn't been teased so badly. Unfortunately, my younger brother is going through a similar thing right now, but its not as bad as my older brothers situation.

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