Need good luck vibes!

May 6, 2008
We're getting the windows in the bedrooms replaced on Thursday. They're old, they're creaky, they don't like to shut, and we need new ones. The process is going to take between 6-8 hours.

Jack does not like strangers in the house. I work on his issues with people I know, and after introductions and treats he's usually fine, but for obvious reasons, I don't do that with maintenance people. Sassy is a door darter, and I don't trust people to not leave the door open (also, there will be giant holes in the wall where the windows used to be), so I need to keep an eye on her as well and make sure she doesn't escape. If it was just Jack, we'd leave for the day, but I need to watch the cat, too. And if I shut her in the spare bedroom (with her food and litterbox and all that) she screams her Siamese scream and tears apart the carpeting. :eek:

So, for 6-8 hours on Thursday, Jack, Sassy, and I will be barricading ourselves in the spare bedroom while I finish my final paper for my Anatomy & Physiology class, and attempt to keep Jack from barking his head off the entire time. I am stocking up on chewies and frozen Kongs.

So...vibes that I get pretty windows, a term paper, AND that we all come out relatively unstressed would be wonderful. Cookies and :hail: :hail: :hail: if you read all this!

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