My dog... she is so cool


I'm All Ears
Nov 2, 2006
Ahhh, I'm sorry guys. :eek: I just am having a moment of mushy love for my dog.

We haven't been doing anything special at all, just playing this evening. She was pretty calm till a couple hours ago then started bringing the ball to me. I started tossing the ball and noticed she was WAY wound up for some reason (you can tell by how spastically she jumps after it)

We came up with a game. I point and say 'get in' and she jumps into/on top of whatever I'm pointing at. I started out just directing her around the house and into and out of all sorts of things like the laundry basket, tub, in my suitcase, open the door to the crate and get inside, on the furniture/shelving, in and out of rooms, etc. All for just a 'yes!'

She was having a blast jumping all over everything and zooming that I decided to add in the tennis ball. So I'd direct her places then tell her to stay then throw the ball then release her. She's a hoot. I can see her wanting to go after the ball soooo badly then when I release her she tears up the house going after it. And her stays were so spot on today! I know that's nothing major but for a dog like her, it really is. We've spent a very very long time working on the 'stay while the ball is being thrown'. And she did fantastic and so casually too!

Ok, so there's no point in this post except that my dog is incredibly fun.

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