Its okay not to clean up your dog poo

Mar 26, 2006
london, Ontario
Okay, well sometimes :D

anuary 10, 2008 - 18-year-old Josue Herrios-Coronilla might not be nice to dogs anytime soon. He drove his car on the wrong side of the road, crashing into a yard where four dogs lived. Police were able to track him down thanks to dog poop from the yard.

Apparently the 18-year-old crushed some dog poop as police found the bushes all pushed down as well as a fence destroyed, and a car did not work. A shoe print in a pile of dog poop allowed the police to track down the man.

The 18-year-old crashed his car into a yard and stepped on dog poop on his way out.

Sgt. Dale Gunter found a white van driving toward him after searching and following the dog poop trail.

When Gunter asked the man to get out of the vehicle, he smelled alcohol and saw the dog poop all over his shoes. He was charged with driving while impaired and driving under age. He was released on $1,500 bail.
found here

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