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  1. M

    Bitten By BC Service Dog today...

    I took Popcorn to the vet today and met this seemingly nice lady, with a BC for a service dog. Since her dog seemed to get along so well with Popcorn inside the office, she wanted to have them hang out briefly oustide, after our appts were over. Well I went outside with Popcorn still on...
  2. M

    Dalmation? BC? Stray

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last night while I was walking both dogs a HUGE at least 90-100lb white male dog with black ears and black spots, came out of nowhere and followed us He kept trying to play with my two dogs but...
  3. M

    Erm...What is Getting Frosted?

    :rolleyes:I'm so ignorent! Is that the internet equivelant of a snowball?
  4. M

    Late Night Dog walk Turns Ugly,..

    I took the dogs out last night at about 3am and was followed home by a drunk. I was a little surprised the dogs never barked until the police showed up to arrest him and take him away. (By which point he was lying on the lawn singing in the pouring rain!!) We were out and the dogs were doing...
  5. M

    What Would You Do? PartII

    More problems with our Russian neighbors. I noticed that out here in Spokane Russian people just hate dogs! They are that afraid of them. Well a dog came through here last night and decorated the lawn between our houses so of course they blamed our dogs!! so today, I hear a knock,so I go...
  6. M

    Marking? Someone Please Explain...

    We left to go out to and get some food, and we crated Pepper,but left Poppy out with our daughter. Well she swears she only left the room for a moment but when we came home he had peed in the house!!! (So unlike him!) He's been housebroke for months!! And trustworthy in the house... He peed...
  7. M

    Has Your Dog Ever Snapped at Anyone?

    Someone at the park tried to grab poppy's face and pry the ball out of his mouth, and when he growled they ignored it and kept trying to get the ball and he snapped at them and kind of ran at them... I'm really upset about this. My husband says he doesn't like where this is going and thinks...
  8. M

    Is Your Dog a Snob?

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whenever our pups meet someone new away from our house, they have such totally different reactions!! Pepper openly loves everyone and will play fetch with everyone. Poppy, on the other hand, won't. He will...
  9. M

    Sleepy Poppy Puppy Pics!!

    Awwww.. just had to snap a shot..
  10. M

    Get That Sprinkler!!

    First you gotta herd it... Then you gotta get it! And show it who's boss...
  11. M

    New Frisbee(Picture Heavy)

    Gotta love this flippy flopper!! Yay! Pepper finally got it!!
  12. M

    More poppy Pics

    Resembling a dead Dog(is this really comfortable??): Playing at the Park:
  13. M

    Isn't Popcron Fluffy..? :D

    Lol.. He is so poofy & hairy compared to Pepper. These are from today, right after they had their baths. They were waiting for me to toss the ball! :D Poppy: Poppy & Pepper:
  14. M

    How do I make a video on

    anyone? It wont let me upload one form and I dont know how to upload the one from one to my puter. Anyone know how to accomlish either of these?
  15. M

    Video of Poppy & Pepper

    Ok I finally made my video. Hope you guys like it!:D
  16. M

    Video of Poppy & Pepper-Oopps sorry double post

    can someone erase this?
  17. M

    OTHER People's Children... *Rant*

    Out here in Spokane, I noticed alot of kids tease our pur two 5 mos old Border collie Pups. Which is not helping with their socialization training- let me tell you. For instance, today, once again we had to leave the park early as the children there who had started out nicely interacting with...
  18. M

    Colloidal Silver for Dogs

    Has anyone used this before? Is so, what for? What were your experiences with it? Thanks!
  19. M

    Sooo Mad!! (What Would You Do?)*Long*

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had my two pups out in the yard on their 6 ft leashes, and Poppy was pooping so I was following along behind him, erm, picking it up, and Pepper was off to the side. Well the little boy next door comes out...
  20. M

    Poppy's Newest Trick!! :D

    I've taught him to go down the children's slide on command. I had no idea he would take to that! It was kind of a game The kids and parents just love it. Will post some pics soon!