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  1. B

    My Boston Terrier dog during this Weekend!

    Thanks for the comments! :)
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    Boston Terrier Website

    This is my website which is entirely dedicated to the Boston Terrier Dogs. Photos, videos, informations, articles, forum and more! You can post your own photos, videos and articles of Boston Terriers!
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    Chicken & Sweet Potato Healthy Treats Recipe

    This is just to share a homemade and healty dog treats recipe that is made of Chicken Breast, Sweet Potato & Flax. :) The indredients you need for this healthy dog treats recipe are : One medium sweet potato. One 5 oz of chicken breast. Two tsp of olive oil. Two tbsp of milled flax-seed. 1/3 cup...
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    Pick my (small) breed!

    Boston Terrier
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    Your Dogs Name: Why You Chose The Dog Name You Did

    My dog's name is Rocky and we choose this name because he looks like Rocky by wearing his hoodies.
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    The most favorite picture of your dog EVER

    I have lots of pictures of my dog but i think this one is the best picture of him
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    Black Dog

    My black and white Boston Terrier.
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    Happy One Year Birthday Kastle!!!

    Happy Birthday Kastle!
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    My Boston Terrier dog during this Weekend!

    Pictures of my dog during this summer weekend.
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    I'm new here!

    Boston Terrier Welcome here! Do you know about the small Boston Terrier Breed? We have one and they are great dogs! :)
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    Water! Ball! Jump! Fun!

    These are amazing pictures. I like that!
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    For fun - what breed should I get?

    Yes you should get a Boston Terrier, i have one and they are the best dogs! :)
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    Shaving dogs

    Lucky me i don't have to shave my dog because it's a small Boston Terrier with short hair :p
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    Picture contest

    Thanks for sharing the picture contest! Here is my pictue of my Boston Terrier dog for this contest :