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  1. L

    Dog Training - Food

    Here are some good articles on this issue:
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    Running out the door

    You can also leave a short leash on her inside the house for better control, so if she does try to dash out, you can quickly step on it with your foot and stop her.
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    Marking indoors.

    If the belly bands don't work because they move around too much, you can always try dog diapers like these: Since these go over the entire behind area, they should not bunch up or fall...
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    my dog and potty

    Make sure to clean up any previous pee spots with an enzymatic cleaner like Nature's Miracle. Using anything else (household cleaners, bleach, vinegar...etc.) will NOT might no longer smell the smell but your dog will, and will go on the same spots again and again.
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    my dog keeps trying to get off the leash to chase cars

    What kind of dog is he? Are you saying that when he sees a car, he drags you along towards the car while leashed? Or are you saying he's doing that when he's off leash?
  6. L


    There is a good Yahoo group that deals exclusively with Separation Anxiety. My dog also used to have it, but he's almost completely cured due to tips from the site: You can also just do a search there on "melatonin" and read all the postings.
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    House training

    At her age she needs to go almost every hour. So make sure you take her out every hour on the hour. She should have some signs of impending elimination like circling, wandering away from you, sniffing the ground...etc. As soon as she does any of the above, scoop her up and put her outside to the...
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    Feed dogs...Right or Wrong?

    Yes I agree, if it works for your dogs, then it's fine. I don't think it has to be one way for every dog. I personally wouldn't use it for my Lab because you know how Labs are...they'll eat a 40lb bag of food if they found it unattended...
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    Sheltie growled at daughter

    If you want to be on the safe side, I would revoke his couch rights. Dogs who are allowed on the couch or beds often get very possessive of their "thrones" and growl or even snap at other dogs or people who try to claim the same space. He doesn't do it to you because he believes you're his...
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    Too much attention ?

    Your dog is calmer when you're not at home because he doesn't get attention on demand from your wife. If you'd like it to go away, just ignore him completely whenever he tries to get your attention. Don't even make eye contact. Don't talk to him or push him away - just do NOTHING. Pretend he...
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    Crate training ? are you in favor ?

    I really support crate training! My dog had moderate separation anxiety when I first adopted him, and if it weren't for his crate, my house would have been totally destroyed, not to mention my dog could have seriously hurt himself. Think about it...if you couldn't watch a baby for 5 minutes...
  12. L

    What to Expect from Training Class

    In general: - Look for trainers who rely on teaching methods that use positive reinforcement for good behaviour rather than punishment for unacceptable behaviour. - Observe an obedience class without your dog. Are the dogs and people having a good time? Talk with a few participants and see if...
  13. L

    I don't see what all the fuss is about.

    Your dog is still very young. When my dog was that age, he stuck to me like glue, and would never wander far. However, a few months later it was a completely different story! All dogs (my dog included) go through a "teenage rebellion" or adolescent phase from approximate 7 months (depending...
  14. L

    Poor Behaviour On Leash.

    Try to establish and reinforce your leadership by doing the below NILF exercises with her. This will help calm her down, for it seems like she does not accept you as her leader yet. When she does accept you as her leader, she should be calmer because you are calm, and she has you to follow...
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    German Shephard in my face! HELP

    Put him on a down-stay. If he doesn't know this already, take him to obedience class, or teach him yourself. If at first he keeps getting up on a down-stay, put a house leash on him and tie the leash to a weight or a piece of furniture. Soon he should be able to hold his stays. Also, it helps to...
  16. L

    Senior dog messing house at night

    Yes this is definitely normal and age-related, and it happens to people too! There is a medication that she can get that improves the bladder muscle which will help her hold it better...check with your vet about that. Otherwise, there is always adult dog diapers (much like Depends for people)...
  17. L

    severe seperation anxiety

    Please check out this Yahoo Group that deals exclusively with Separation Anxiety: Like I said in a previous post, my own dog had SA when I first got him, and he's now completely cured, due to tips from the group above.
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    Growling Lab mix

    Practice these NILF exercises religiously! It will really increase your dog's respect for you:
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    please help!! Dog crying and barking

    This Yahoo Group deals exclusively with Separation Anxiety and has great tips and suggestions. My own dog had SA when I first adopted him and he's completely cured now...
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    Snatching food off the table.

    Does your dog know the down-stay command? If not, I would train him on this ASAP. If you put him on a down-stay on his bed or away from the coffe table while you're eating, then he cannot beg. If at first he keeps getting up, I would leash him while he's on a down-stay and tie the leash to a...