Search results

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    Beagle shedding excessively

    I was curious what the best way/type of brush to use is for a short haired breed like a beagle. In all of my initial research, never did I read that they were excessive shedders. But, maybe with summer approaching and him losing his puppy fur, I am constantly cleaning the couch covers...
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    Agility training questions?

    I was curious to find some information about Agility training. How you get started, etc. What all it involves, what organizations are locally in the Houston area? I have a 7 month old male Beagle, and I am looking for an avenue to challenge him. We have completed puppy class, and are in an...
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    Spring Fertilizing and CAUTIONS!!

    I wanted to post this as a reminder to all of you regarding how poisonous yard fertilizer is to animals (the Scotts Weed & Feed and other fertilizers). Thursday night Bailey started having diarriah and then I got up and went to work Friday, I had my mother come by at lunch time to check on...
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    Eye infection

    Do any of you know much about eye infections? I just had to take Bailey to the vet this morning b/c he was getting a yellow/green collection of mucus in his eyes and they are blood shot red. His one eye he was squinting so that it was almost closed. It really looked like "human pink...
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    What type of collar is best?

    I have an almost 5 month Beagle who I have been working on his loose leash walking for about 4 weeks now with the collar that is half choke/half nylon. (sorry but I do not know what type of collar this is called and have looked online for a picture.) Anyway, my issue is that being that...
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    Potty training & the crate

    Well, I was wondering what method most of you have used with your dogs to potty train them. My main issue w/Bailey (4 month old beagle) is during the day while I am at work. I go home and walk him during lunch each day, but he continues to have accidents on the tile where I have been keeping...
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    Please sign this petition to help these poor little creatures!

    Everyone, please visit this website and sign this petition. I wouldn’t read too much of it b/c it is pretty horrific. But to summarize, in China there are dog/cat fur farms in which they are skinning the animals while still alive and keeping them in very poor conditions, many even being stolen...
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    Puppy Poo Question

    I have a crazy question. My dog's poo has gone from a light brown to a very dark brown recently. I was curious/worried of his nutrient absorption, and if this may be an indication. Here's what has been going on with his food. He is 4 1/2 months old. Day 1 when I brought him home, I...
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    Puppy eating poo!

    Ugh, I found remains of poo in my 3 1/2 month old Beagle's crate this morning. Yesterday, he showed his first interest in his poo when I was walking him and I caught him licking it, so I pulled him up and we moved on, I later picked it up. But, to my horror this morning there were brown...
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    Puppy Biting

    I have a 3 1/2 month old Beagle, and his newest bad behavior is to bite at my upper legs and bottom when he wants attention. He only does this when he knows I am trying to leave, and I know he is telling me he doesn't want me to go or at other times he just wants my attention. But, he has tore...
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    Learning new training tricks

    I have a 10 wk old Beagle, who is wonderful with his sit/stay command. I do it before every meal (4 weeks now), and 90% of the time before we go outside, and several times while outside. I would love to teach him to lay, roll over, and as another member mentioned to "play dead" after...