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  1. F

    What do you feed your dog?

    What brand of dog food do you feed your doggy? Or does anyone here cook your dog meals? I started feeding Abba California Natural puppy blend and then switched to adult as she got older. She eventually got bored with the California Natural so I went to Innova (same makers as California...
  2. F

    Get those dew claws removed

    I was going to post a pic of Abba's torn dew claw, but I see that I can't post in these thread. Anyway, I call her "stubs" since her right dew claw is just a stub of the shortened quick. She tore the claw and half the quick off from fetching. :eek:
  3. F

    New to this site. HI!

    Just want to shout out to everyone. This looks like a very friendly and informative site and I look forward reading your posts. I hope I can contribute as much as I get from here. I have a 5 year old Amstaff who will be having puppies this coming heat cycle. I got her when she was 6...