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  1. B

    Only in a law fearing society.

    This is amazing. Having a 9-1-1 function on a phone creates a society like this. YouTube - Old Man Shopping Cart
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    Quote surfing

    From Ayn Rand I had to add a couple of hers to my sig. The common good of a collective -- a race, a class, a state -- was the claim and justification of every tyranny ever established over men. Every major horror of history was committed in the name of an altruistic motive. Has any act of...
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    Denver Zoo, Botanic Gardens and Butterfly Pavilion

    The zoo was a bit of a disappointment to me. It was very hard to get shots without signs of humans. I suppose it was cheaper than flying to the places where these critters run wild. Botanic Gardens was much cooler than I expected And the Butterfly Pavilion
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    Texters help plz

    Is there any way to set up an instant return text? When a text comes in I want a return text to instantly go to the sender saying how much I hate texting.
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    I know you're sick of macros

    so here is more macros
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    A few macros

    I know, I need to expand my horizons.
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    Walkin the dogs

    Heres a few shots I got today taking Rocky and Bullwinkle for a stroll This is Hank responding to my command "Come!" A couple of lucky butterflies Hank discovers cactus again. He is a slow learner but prickly pear is a patient instructor. The wildflowers Buckshot forgot to...
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    Can you follow jury instructions?

    For the past week I have been on jury duty. Now that the case is over I wanted to get a feel of how other folks would do given this situation. I won't use names or any identifiers to protect the identity of all involved. Some of our basic rules were 1. The defendant is to be presumed...
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    A reason to not overpay taxes

    I hope I am reading this wrong but I just got some information from the state that my tax refund last year is considered income and I must pay taxes on last years refund. I think Ill send them a bill along with it for lending them my money. I think weed oughta git a rope. Yup reread it and...
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    Folks who want a program like Office-Word Excel etc

    but dont want to cough up the cash, I found a pretty sweet program similar to office for free. You can donate if you want (which I will). It is free and you can give it to anyone. I use spreadsheets all the time and theirs seems to do all I need and much more. Check it out...
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    Late reflection assignment

    A couple shots I got at Blue mesa reservoir today
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    Peanut butter expressions

    Before Add peanut butter
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    You may be too into dogs

    If you know whether or not they are a bad kisser. I was having guilt issues that I was discussing with a friend. I love both of my dogs but I dont like it when Hanky kisses my face, yet I dont mind if Buckshot does. It was revealed to me that its nothing to get worked up about, pit bulls are...
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    A cool story for just about everyone

    Whether you own a pit pull, labrador, smoke cigarettes, use non prescribed drugs, own guns, drink alcohol, drive a large car or any other unacceptable social behaviour this story hits home. The Rat Trap (Author Unknown) A rat looked through a crack in the wall to see the farmer and his...
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    Lightning shots

    3 Sec exposures. They were taken in the dark
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    Eye problem and itching

    This afternoon when i got home from work I noticed Hank blinking one eye. I flushed it and looked in it with a light and couldnt find anything unusual. His eye is red and he is keeping it closed. It is also watering pretty bad. In the last couple days it seems like he has been scratching...
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    New Golden Retriever, seeing eye dog

    My vision has been declining as I get older and I just cant seem to get behind the idea of the new trendy laser surgery. A friend of mine who has been trying to rehome his dog told me that he would give me his Golden Retriever, to help me get around better. I am not big on the idea of trimming...
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    Making field corrections

    In the field I find it difficult to really get an idea of my shot looking at the small review screen. There often isnt a dark place to do on the spot corrections. What do you guys do to get your shots right without having to correct them with software? here is an example: Here is what...
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    People who know phone tricks-Question

    We are suspiscious of somoene in my family making harassing calls. Calls were made between 2am and 4am and my sisters name came up on the caller ID. She denies making the calls. Is it possible for someone to make a phone call from #X and have it appear as #Y on the caller ID of the recipient?