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  1. M

    A Normal Day for a Golden Retriever Puppy

    OMG! what a disaster! hahahaha
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    Puppy Training question

    That might actually work but its kind of sick.
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    Buster's off to the vet...

    For such a young dog, hes really worrying! I can only wish him well and get well soon!
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    innocence lost

    You really have to teach him a lesson! Spack him, seriously. Oh he might keep doing it over and over again. You must teach him.
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    Cat Treats for Puppies?

    Yea, i fed my cat with some treats, but my maltipoo stole them all! hahahha
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    ABC's 'Nightline' investigates puppy mills

    Puppy mills make me sick. I bought my first pup, but i didnt know about puppy mills then. When i learnt, i've only adopted ever since.
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    First titles!

    I hope you could show us some pictures of Dance and Show in the future! Winning prizes of course! haha
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    New camera = Adorable cavalier

    Wow, i think i've to get myself a N50 as well! Thats really top quality! congrats!
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    Chloe Peektures: Pissiness included

    You're such a lucky owner! I'm sure Chloe is pretty lucky too!
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    ANTI-BSL pictures....Add yours! :)

    Thats absolutely adorable! Love your pictures
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    Dogs poisoned by tainted cupcakes in Ont. park

    Thats just sick! Those crazy people deserve to be put behind bars!
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    Very scary law

    That law is alittle insane. I doubt it would pass though, time will tell
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    Man's Best Friend

    Nice message, but the idea of it puts me off completely. Sorry, but i feel alittle disguisted of even that idea.
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    Toenail clipper recommendations?

    I use the Wahl brand for clipping my dogs. I have a whole kit of it. I would recommend it. Maybe you could google it, but i got it at walmart.
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    Help me pick the perfect breed

    Choosing your first breed is definitely tough. But ultimately the choice is your, as we all have different preferences, i think it is best you judge and choose for yourself. I personally like bigger dogs now because smaller dogs tend to be too yappy for my liking.
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    Dog parks?

    I'm all for dog parks. The dogs get to socialize, and you too! With that said, you gotta keep an eye out for dangers like fights and diseases.
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    Ahhhh... memories!!

    Wow! i gotten make one of my own!
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    New Dog!

    Another great rescue! She looks great! Congrats!
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    Does your dog like the vet?

    Blackie hates the vet. Even bitten her once! hahaa.
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    Keira & Tollers

    Wow, they are all very beautiful. The picture quality is also top-notched. Did you photoshop them?